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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Marchés - Actualités
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BME r?alise un b?n?fice net de 102,98 millions d'euros au premier semestre 2007, soit une hausse de 66,1 % par rapport en 2006

HUGIN | 27/07/2007 | 14:57

Au deuxième trimestre BME a réalisé un bénéfice net de 52,83 millions d'euros, soit une hausse de 79,9 % par rapport à la même période en 2006.

- Les revenus au premier semestre s'élèvent à 191,17 millions d'euros, soit une hausse de 39,9 % qu'en 2006.
- L'EBITDA croît de 58,1 % et atteint 145,28 millions d'euros au premier semestre.
- Les coûts opérationnels ont progressé de 0,4 % au premier semestre.
- Le taux d'efficacité ressort à 24 % contre 33,2 % au premier semestre 2006.

Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) posted a net profit of € 102.98 million in the first half of 2007, up 66.1% on the € 61.98 million recorded in the year-earlier period. Net profit for the second quarter was €52.83 million, an increase of 79.9% from the same quarter in 2006.

Revenues in the first half grew by 38.9% from a year earlier to €191.17 million. In the second quarter, revenues came in at €98.27 million, up 45.6% on the same year-earlier period.

Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) in the six months to June totalled €145.28 million, up 58.1% on 2006. EBITDA for the second quarter was €74.49 million, an increase of 69.6% from the year earlier.

Operating costs in the second quarter increased by 0.7%, compared to the same period last year. In the first half operating costs increased by only 0.4%.

The efficiency ratio, which values the expenses incurred by each revenue source, fell from 33.2% in the first half of 2006 to 24% at the end of June 2007.

Earnings per share climbed from € 0.74 in the first half of 2006 to €1.2 in the first half of 2007---a year-on-year increase of 66.1%.


In this business area, EBITDA grew by 52.3% to € 71.74 million at the end of the first half. EBITDA for the second quarter came in at € 32.57 million, up 50% from the same period in 2006.

The total value of trading in the six months to June increased 60.9% from the year earlier to € 862.78 billion. In the second quarter, trading totalled € 443.06 billion, up 68.1% on the same 2006 period.

In the first six months of the year, the number of trades grew by 50.6%.


In the area of Clearing and Settlement, revenues to June came in at € 47.21 million, up 60.6% on the same 2006 period. Revenues for the second quarter came in at € 27.4 million, up 78.7% on the same year-earlier period.

Solid revenues led to an EBITDA of €40.38 million in the six months to June, representing a 75.4% increase on the same period last year. EBITDA for the second quarter was € 23.86 million, up 95.8% on the year earlier.

The number of settled trades in the first half was 21.6 million, an increase of 26.9% from the year earlier. In the second quarter, 10.1 million trades were settled, 18.8% more than in the same period in 2006.


Revenues in this business area rose 24.5% in the first half from a year earlier to € 14.84 million. In the second quarter revenues totalled € 7.33 million, up 25.5% on the year earlier.

The EBITDA figure for the first half totalled € 9.84 million, an increase of 38.6% over the same 2006 period. EBITDA for the second quarter came in at € 4.71 million, up 37.3% on the year earlier.

The market capitalisation of companies listed on the BME markets at 30 June 2007 reached € 1.32 trillion, an increase of 42.9% over the previous year.

The total volume of new listings on the Spanish private fixed-income market, AIAF, at the end of the six-month period was € 322.77 billion, up 31.5% on the same 2006 period. The volume of new listings in the second quarter was € 147.15 billion, up 21.5% on the same period in 2006.


Revenues from this area during the first half grew 35.7% to €15.88 million. Revenues for the second quarter totalled € 8.37 million, 33.8% more than in the same 2006 period.

EBITDA increased 50.4% in the first half to €12.18 million. In the second quarter EBITDA totalled € 6.54 million, 46.6% up on 2006.


Revenues from the derivatives business area grew 14.7% in the first half to €13.78 million. Revenues for the second quarter were €7.01 million, up 17.7% on the same 2006 period.

The EBITDA figure in the first six months was €8.77 million, showing a year-on- year increase of 40.7%. In the second quarter, EBITDA came in at € 4.56 million, 51.2% higher than a year earlier.

The accumulated trading volume for the first half 2006 was 22 million contracts. Open positions at the end of June 2007 stood at 7.3 million contracts.


Though the revenues generated from Fixed Income trading rose 0.2% in the second quarter to €1.53 million, trading for the full six months of the year was down 0.8% from a year earlier. Damped by operating costs, EBITDA dropped 4.9% in the second quarter 2007 from a year earlier, bringing the total fall for EBITDA in the first half of the year to 6.1%.


Revenues generated by this business area increased 13.7% in the first half to € 6.75 million. Revenues in the second quarter grew 33.9% from the year earlier to € 3.78 million.

EBITDA for the first half was € 3.11 million, up 41.6% on the year before. In the second quarter EBITDA came in at €1.85 million, 117.2% higher than in the same 2006 period.


Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) was included in the IBEX 35® as of 2nd July, following the decision taken by the IBEX 35® Technical Advisory Committee at its June ordinary meeting. New products introduced in the period included warrants and stock futures linked to BME as the underlying asset.

In the second quarter, exclusive licences were granted to Santander Asset Management for the launch of ETFs on the IBEX Medium Cap and Small Cap indices, and to BBVA Gestión for the launch of ETFs on the IBEX Top Dividendo index.

In June, several new products began trading, including venture capital funds (on the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil MAB) and Turbo-Warrants on the IBEX 35.

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For more information:

BME Financial Division
Email: [email protected]
+ 00 34 91 709 51 65

BME Corporate Communication
Email: [email protected]
+ 00 34 91 589 12 86

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