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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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6 h 22 min
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Le nouveau mod?le de r?f?rence de Microtune pour la DVB-T constitue une solution ? faible consommation et ? haute efficacit? con?ue pour les t?l?viseurs num?riques, les ordinateurs et les d?codeurs

Hugin | 24/05/2005 | 19:29

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse Economique / Technologique

PLANO, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 24 mai 2005--

Ce nouveau modèle de référence, qui exploite la puce tuner à faible consommation MT2060, offre aux fabricants une solution frontale, complète et clé en main pour des applications de DVB-T.

Microtune(R), Inc. (Nasdaq:TUNE) a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de son modèle de référence pour la diffusion vidéo numérique terrestre (DVB-T). La Société contribue ainsi au développement d’applications de télévision numérique pour l’ensemble des standards mondiaux.

Microtune's New DVB-T Reference Design Offers High-Performance, Low-Power Solution for Digital TVS, PCS and Set-Top Boxes

Business Editors/Technology Editors

PLANO, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 24, 2005-- Based on the MT2060 Low-Power Tuner Chip, the Reference Design Offers Manufacturers a Complete Turnkey Front-End Solution for DVB-T Applications Microtune(R), Inc. (Nasdaq:TUNE), reinforcing its support for digital TV applications across worldwide standards, today announced the availability of a Digital Video Broadcast-Terrestrial (DVB-T) Reference Design

Built on Microtune's MicroTuner MT2060 low-power silicon tuner and an STV0361 demodulator from STMicroelectronics, the Reference Design is a ready-to-deploy tuner/demodulator subsystem that provides RF in to transport stream out, including loop through.

It offers manufacturers a high-performance, power- and cost-efficient turnkey front-end that can simplify development of digital TVs, PC/DTV cards, set-top boxes or other consumer appliances based on the DVB-T standards

DVB-T is a standard for digital television and data services that has been adopted throughout Europe and other worldwide markets

Microtune's DVB-T Reference Design complies with the most stringent RF requirements of the Nordig 1.0.1.version of the standard

"We believe we are the only supplier of a silicon tuner meeting all the Nordig requirements," said Albert Taddiken, Microtune's Chief Operating Officer.

"As a result, we offer a DVB-T Reference Design that is engineered to offer top-notch performance in a small form factor and with low power consumption."

The Reference Design facilitates manufacturer's evaluation and development of a DVB-T front end

Reference Design Leverages the Benefits of MT2060 RF Technology The radio frequency (RF) core of the Reference Design is Microtune's MT2060 miniature dual-conversion tuner-amplifier, which is engineered to deliver the lowest power of any high-performance silicon tuner available today

Optimized for excellent sensitivity and phase noise and with superior adjacent channel suppression, the MT2060 Reference Design offers the robust performance demanded by the DVB-T and Nordig standards.

It is engineered to provide superior video and audio reception performance and dependable high-speed, high-density data delivery.

From a consumer perspective, it delivers clear, sharp pictures and clean sound and data with minimal noise and interference

The tuner offers extremely flat overall and in-channel frequency response with a programmable take-over point, providing for maximum design flexibility while minimizing external circuitry.

It also offers very fast lock time enabling fast channel changes

Price and Availability

The DVB-T Reference Design is available today from Microtune

Contact Microtune Sales for pricing

About Microtune

Microtune, Inc. is a silicon and subsystems company that designs and markets radio frequency (RF)-based solutions for the worldwide broadband communications and transportation electronics markets

Inventors of the MicroTuner(TM) single-chip broadband tuner, Microtune offers a portfolio of advanced tuner, amplifier, upconverter and transceiver products that enable the delivery of information and entertainment across new classes of consumer electronics devices.

The Company currently holds more than 40 U.S. patents for its technology

Founded in 1996, Microtune is headquartered in Plano, Texas, with key design and sales centers located around the world.

The website is

Reference-Design Announcements

It is not unusual for Microtune to announce Reference Designs of this kind, and the announcement of this or any other Reference Design should not be viewed as an indicator of Microtune revenues for any current or future reporting period

Forward-Looking Statements

All statements in this press release other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause such statements to differ materially from actual future events or results.

Such forward-looking statements are generally, but not necessarily, accompanied by words such as "plan," "if," "estimate," "expect," "believe," "could," "would," "anticipate," "may," or other words that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes.

These forward-looking statements and other statements made elsewhere in this release are made in reliance on the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.

Factors which could cause actual results to differ include the Company's ability to introduce new products, achieve design wins, forecast revenue and manage inventory levels, control and budget expenses, protect its proprietary technology and intellectual property, and successfully prosecute and defend the various lawsuits, any of which may cause the Company's financial results to fluctuate.

The forward-looking statements in this release speak only as of the date they are made.

We undertake no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statement for any reason.

Readers are referred to our Annual Report on Form 10-K, subsequent Quarterly Reports on Forms 10-Q, recent Current Reports on Forms 8-K, and other Securities and Exchange Commission filings, which discuss the foregoing factors as well as other important risk factors that could affect our business, results of operations and financial condition

Editors Note:

Microtune is a registered trademark and MicroTuner is a trademark of Microtune, Inc

Other trademarks and/or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Copyright (C) 2005 Microtune, Inc. All rights reserved


Microtune, Inc., Plano Media Kathleen Padula,


[email protected]

or Investor Relations Jeff Kupp, 972-673-1850

[email protected]



SOURCE: Microtune, Inc


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