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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Acartus et Sword Group s'allient afin de proposer ? Documentum une gestion des rapports int?gr?e.

Hugin | 25/05/2005 | 10:31

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Business Editors/Technology Editors

Momentum (EMC /Documentum)

BARCELONA, Spain--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 24, 2005--

Documentum, le plus important fournisseur européen de services de gestion d’information, s’est associé avec Acartus afin de proposer aux utilisateurs de Documentum des solutions d’archivage intégré et de gestion des rapports d’entreprise.

Acartus, société développant la nouvelle génération de solutions de gestion de rapports d’entreprise (ERM), a annoncé aujourd’hui son partenariat avec Sword Group, le premier partenaire de Documentum en Europe pour les services de gestion de contenu d’entreprise.

( BW)(CO-ACARTUS) Acartus and Sword Group Partner to Deliver Documentum Integrated Report Management

Business Editors/Technology Editors Momentum (EMC /Documentum)

BARCELONA, Spain--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 24, 2005-- Largest European Documentum Services Partner Teams with Acartus to Introduce Integrated Archiving and Enterprise Report Management Solutions for Documentum Users. Acartus, developer of next-generation enterprise report management (ERM) solutions, today announced its partnership with Sword Group, the premier services partner for EMC Documentum in Europe. This alliance will focus on offering integrated ERM solutions that leverage the combined strengths of Documentum and ApertureONE

"We are extremely pleased to be able to announce a partnership committed to expanding the availability of Documentum technologies for enterprise report management applications," said Tim Nelms, Director of Services for Acartus' EMEA Operations.

"Sword brings considerable depth of experience in large scale projects and can now benefit customers by offering certified skills in report management technologies." ApertureONE for Documentum is a server-level integration that extends full ERM capabilities to Documentum, including content transformation to digital archival standard PDF.

Through ApertureONE, Documentum users can store and content-manage terabytes of new and existing report archives

"This relationship extends the opportunity for Documentum users to benefit from a fully certified, integrated ERM/ECM solution, including storage technologies and content services supported by an end-to-end delivery service," said Jim Graham, Director of Documentum Consulting at Sword.

"Sword is a Documentum Silver Service Tier partner and ApertureONE Certified Services partner; the ApertureONE platform is Designed for Documentum and EMC Velocity Centera Certified.

Customers look to us for rapid, reliable implementations that introduce powerful and far-reaching integrated archival solutions to their Documentum platform." Through Sword Consulting, ApertureONE for Documentum integrations will benefit customers with volume intensive archival requirements, including those challenged with legacy archival silos. A full range of implementation services covering planning, installation, customization, upgrades and migrations is provided for a technology stack which includes EMC storage solutions, providing customers the assurance of a managed migration to from legacy systems to modern ERM services.

About ApertureONE for Documentum

ApertureONE transforms enterprise reports and computer-generated fixed content into fully indexed, digital archival standard assets. Providing a true end-to-end ERM infrastructure with maximum scalability, ApertureONE facilitates archival storage, search and retrieval, distribution and mining solutions. ApertureONE for Documentum increases the value of fixed content through integration with EMC's Documentum enterprise content management (ECM) platform. Processed by ApertureONE, stored and managed by Documentum, a significant volume of fixed content is made available to users directly through existing Documentum client interfaces. ApertureONE applies ECM attributes and assigns functionality, introducing enterprise reports to Documentum's workflow, security profiles, records management, collaboration and lifecycle retention applications.

About Acartus

Acartus is committed to driving the evolution of enterprise report management through development, innovation, marketing and support. Our market leading solutions are based on open industry standards and designed for full customer infrastructure compatibility. Acartus solutions can be flexibly configured to operate independently, or integrated to contribute ERM functionality to EMC Documentum's enterprise content management infrastructure, delivering significant productivity gains, cost savings and strategic content management improvements.

Acartus is enterprise report management, evolved.

For more information, visit Acartus on the web at

About Sword Group

Sword is medium-sized systems integrator (EUR110M over 1,000 employees world-wide) with a strong focus upon ECM, ERM, WCM, scanning and systems integration. Sword has the largest and most successful, dedicated Documentum practice in the UK and is the largest European Documentum partner with offices in UK, France, U.S., Belgium, Luxembourg, South Africa, and over 1,000 employees throughout the Group.

CONTACT: Acartus, Inc

Tim Nelms, +44 7968 489 105 or Sword UK Jim Graham, +44 208 758 9499



SOURCE: Acartus, Inc.


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