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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Place de paris : Alternext | Marché libre | SRD | Marchés Eurolist A,B,C
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
Début de cotation Fin de cotation Place Temps écoulé Temps restant
09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
La bourse de Paris est fermé, il est actuellement 16 : 14


BLADEFUSION : Le nouveau BladeFusion SPE (Secure Production Environment) garantit une haute disponibilit? N+1 pour toute application informatique

Hugin | 27/05/2005 | 10:58

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Software Writers RESTON, VA. & TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 26, 2005--Le logiciel révolutionnaire d’infrastructure de BladeFusion Technologies permet aux applications de fonctionner en continu et indépendamment de la taille et de la complexité de l'infocentre. BladeFusion Technologies Ltd. A annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de son nouveau BladeFusion SPE™ - Environnement de production sécurisée, le logiciel le plus évolué au monde d'infrastructures d'environnement de production pour les infocentres standards.

( BW)(VA-BLADEFUSION) New BladeFusion SPE Secure Production Environment Provides N+1 High-Availability for any IT Application

Software Writers RESTON, VA. & TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 26, 2005--BladeFusion Technologies' Ground-breaking Infrastructure Software Ensures Apps are Always Up and Running Regardless of Data Center Size or Complexity. BladeFusion Technologies Ltd. announced today the release of it's new BladeFusion SPE(TM) - Secure Production Environment, the world's most advanced production environment infrastructure software for standards-based data centers. BladeFusion SPE(TM) software offers businesses of any size the benefits of major IT production environments with minimal setup effort, reduced maintenance resources and minimal loss-of-business risk due to system downtime

The new BladeFusion SPE(TM) fundamentally changes the way IT data centers operate, providing the much needed infrastructure software layer (located between hardware and the operating systems) that solves some of the most critical problems of standards-based, multi-blade/multi-server IT environments. BladeFusion SPE(TM) incorporates specific "agents" which provide real-time monitoring and fully automated response for each data center component such as application processes, operating systems, network switches and servers

"IT managers are under constant demand to increase the number of applications and provide more services around the clock, while being pressured to keep typically runaway IT costs under control. Our BladeFusion SPE(TM) Secure Production Environment enables IT managers to increase the availability of all of their applications without having to duplicate hardware and while cutting operating expenditure." stated Eldad Gefen, BladeFusion Technologies CEO

SPE Production Ready Applications (PRAs) are ready to run "Out of the Box" software application images that take full advantage of the BladeFusion SPE(TM) infrastructure layer and are located on the SPE's central repository. PRAs require no installation or provisioning and can be of any type of software: Security PRAs, OS PRAs or Business Application and Business Middleware PRAs. In case of failure, the BladeFusion SPE(TM) automatically and instantaneously re-allocates the latest working image of the running PRA to a single standby blade

Thus, all applications are transformed into highly available, secure production applications without the previously required expensive and complex duplication of hardware, software and personnel infrastructure for redundancy. The BladeFusion SPE(TM) self-healing (fail-over) automation for servers, applications and networks occurs immediately while using N+1 redundancy only and users continue running applications without any noticeable obstruction or downtime

PRAs can be created in-house for any application or purchased from a growing number of leading independent software vendor (ISV) partners that work closely with BladeFusion to mutually certify their software as Production Ready Applications (PRA)

"More and more best-of-breed applications are being packaged as PRAs, opening a whole new world of solutions to SMB and Enterprise audiences", stressed Amir Barnea, co-founder and VP Products at BladeFusion Technologies.

"With PRAs from leading software vendors like Checkpoint, IBM Software Group, Trend Micro and others, end-customers can focus on getting production value from their data centers, rather than consuming valuable resources on complex sourcing decisions, pre-deployment installation and integration issues and expensive maintenance"

IBM's recently announced it's innovative "BladeCenter Business Express" program, available in the USA from leading technology distributor Avnet. This program, dubbed "Build your Own Business" solutions by IBM, is targeting medium sized businesses that can leverage the BladeFusion SPE(TM) and PRA model to take full advantage of BladeFusion's commitment to 'S to the 4th Power': Survivability, Scalability, Serviceability and Security. BladeFusion products have been awarded IBM's prestigious "Server Proven" certification and have been in production since early 2004, securing critical applications

The new BladeFusion SPE(TM) software is available now on the market leading IBM eServer BladeCenter(TM) blade server. Pricing is based on the number of blades in a blade server and the type of applications run, and are expected to begin at $4,900 for the basic BladeFusion SPE(TM) infrastructure software license. For a limited period, customers can take advantage of BladeFusion's special launch offers.

More details about BladeFusion SPE and PRAs can be found at BladeFusion's website at:

In the US and Canada, customers should contact Avnet Inc.

at; in Europe: InTechnology Ltd.


About BladeFusion Technologies (2003) Ltd.

Based in Reston, VA, with an Advanced R&D Center in Tel Aviv, BladeFusion Technologies is the leading vendor of production environment infrastructure technology and products for standards-based data centers.

Our main infrastructure software product, the BladeFusion SPE(TM) and our software developer partners' ever-expanding line of best-of-breed Production Ready Applications (PRA) and Integrated Solutions provide businesses of any size with the advantages of full featured, reliable and integral production environments. Customers running BladeFusion SPE(TM) with ISV and BladeFusion certified PRA or their own PRAs enjoy fully automatic S(4) benefits: Survivability, Security, Scalability and Serviceability

Founded in 2003, BladeFusion Technologies, a Certified IBM Business Partner for IBM's eServer BladeCenter(TM) is privately held.

For more information about BladeFusion and the BladeFusion SPE(TM), please visit our Web site at

Reseller Contact: [email protected]

ISV Contact: [email protected]

Press Contact: [email protected]

CONTACT: BladeFusion Technologies (2003) Ltd.

T: (703) 573 6961 C: (703) 402 5081 F: (703) 935 7519


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