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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Place de paris : Alternext | Marché libre | SRD | Marchés Eurolist A,B,C
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
La bourse de Paris est fermé, il est actuellement 16 : 16


Antenna Software nomme son directeur g?n?ral des activit?s europ?ennes. La Soci?t? confie sa strat?gie de d?veloppement mondial ? un v?t?ran de l'industrie.

Hugin | 31/05/2005 | 9:00

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Business Editors/Technology Editors

REDDING, England--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 31 mai 2005--Antenna Software, prestataire leader de solutions sans fil en temps réel pour les entreprises, a annoncé ce jour la nomination de Bob Apollo au poste de vice-président et directeur général des activités européennes de la Société. Fort de 25 années d’expérience dans l’industrie des logiciels, dont dix consacrées exclusivement aux solutions informatiques mobiles aux entreprises, Apollo est un vétéran du secteur.

(BW)(ANTENNA-SOFTWARE) Antenna Software Appoints Managing Director for Europe; Industry Veteran to Lead Global Expansion Effort

Business Editors/Technology Editors

REDDING, England--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 31, 2005--Antenna Software, the leader in real-time mobile solutions for the Enterprise, announced today the appointment of Bob Apollo as vice president and managing director for European Operations. A 25-year veteran of the software industry, Apollo has spent 10 of those years focusing exclusively on mobile Enterprise computing. Prior to Antenna, Apollo served as executive vice president, Worldwide Field Operations, for XcelleNet, where his contributions to revenue generation, partner development and new market penetration were instrumental in enabling the company to conclude a successful acquisition by the iAnywhere division of Sybase

"As the mobility market has transformed from a nice-to-have novelty to a run-the-business necessity, we have experienced incredible demand for our real-time mobile Enterprise applications," said Jim Hemmer, CEO of Antenna Software.

"Given the number of leading European organizations we already count among our customers, we are confident that now is the right time to build a physical presence in the EU. Most importantly, by having a seasoned executive like Bob Apollo on our team, we are confident that we will succeed." Antenna A3 solutions extend critical data, applications, and processes to mobile professionals in real time regardless of their chosen networks and devices.

By combining managed, hosted services with "always-on" device-independent clients, Antenna significantly reduces the complexities of a wireless implementation and delivers significantly higher ROI than other approaches

"On-demand access has never been more important for performance-driven organizations," said Apollo.

"I believe Antenna is uniquely positioned to lead the adoption of real-time mobile Enterprise computing across Europe and I am delighted to be joining the organization at this time to help drive that expansion."

About Antenna Software

Founded in 1998, Antenna Software is the largest privately held mobile computing company in North America, integrating 40+ Enterprise software applications with 150+ different devices across 200+ global networks for 100,000+ customers. Antenna manages 12 million+ monthly mobile transactions for leading Global 1000 organizations such as Pitney Bowes, L-3 Communications Security and Detection Systems, Heineken, Siemens, and Fujitsu.

CONTACT: Connect Public Relations Neil Myers, 801-373-7888 [email protected]



SOURCE: Antenna Software


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