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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Bruce Hiler rejoint les bureaux de Cadwalader ? Washington DC en tant que partenaire ; il y dirigera la nouvelle Division R?glementaire Valeurs mobili?res et Institutions financi?res

Hugin | 01/06/2005 | 9:54

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse économique

NEW YORK -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- May 31, 2005 -- Bruce A. Hiler a rejoint le cabinet d’avocats Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP en tant que partenaire aux bureaux de Washington de la société. Il y occupera les fonctions de Président d’une entité nouvellement créée, le Securities and Financial Institutions Regulatory Department (Division Réglementaire Valeurs mobilières et Institutions financières). M. Hiler a précédemment été partenaire au sein du cabinet juridique O’Melveny & Myers LLP, où il a également rempli les fonctions de Directeur de la division Securities Enforcement and Regulatory Counseling (Conseil Réglementaire et Administration des valeurs mobilières)

(BW)(NY-CADWALADER-WICKERSHAM) Bruce Hiler Joins Cadwalader as Partner in DC Office; Hiler to Chair New Securities and Financial Institutions Regulatory Department

Business Editors

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 31, 2005--Bruce A. Hiler has joined Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP as a partner in the Washington office and will serve as Chairman of the firm's newly created Securities and Financial Institutions Regulatory Department. Mr. Hiler is a former partner and Chair of the Securities Enforcement and Regulatory Counseling practice at O'Melveny & Myers LLP. Highly sought-after by clients, Mr. Hiler's practice focuses on securities regulatory defense, securities litigation, regulatory and corporate counseling and internal investigations.

He has represented public companies, broker-dealer firms, investment advisors, and individuals in securities litigation and in investigations before the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), state securities agencies, the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), the New York Stock Exchange, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), and other regulatory agencies. Cadwalader's Securities and Financial Institutions Regulatory Department will work closely with many of the world's major broker-dealers and investment banks developing strategy, planning and compliance and supervisory procedures and will, as needed, conduct full-scale reviews to identify potential violations. Joining Mr. Hiler's team will be current Cadwalader partners with expertise in Banking & Finance, Corporate, and Litigation matters to provide all aspects of counseling and defense work. "I am delighted to welcome Bruce to the firm as Chairman of our new Securities and Financial Institutions Regulatory Department," stated Robert O. Link, Jr., Cadwalader's Chairman and Managing Partner.

"Under Bruce's leadership we will not only become a competitive player in the regulatory market but be able to meaningfully enhance the breadth of services we can offer our clients by capitalizing on numerous inter-departmental synergies." "I am looking forward to joining Cadwalader and working with the first-class team assembled as a part of the Securities and Financial Institutions Regulatory Department," stated Mr. Hiler. Prior to joining O'Melveny & Myers as a partner, Mr. Hiler served at the SEC from 1978 to 1994 in a variety of investigative, litigation and management roles. He left the SEC as Associate Director of the Division of Enforcement, a position he held for four years.

During his time with the SEC, he was responsible for investigations and litigation involving complex financial frauds, accounting matters, changes in corporate control, market manipulation, insider trading, and broker-dealer investment advisor, and investment company regulatory issues.

Matters where he played a significant role include cases against American Continental Corporation's Charles Keating, Jr., and the 'stock parking' and manipulations cases, which arose out of the investigation and prosecution of Ivan Boesky and his brokerage firm in the later 1980s. Mr. Hiler started his legal career at Rudnick & Wolfe LLP in Chicago. He obtained his B.A., magna cum laude, from the University of Notre Dame and his J.D., with honors, from the University of Michigan. He is admitted to practice in Illinois and the District of Columbia. Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP, established in 1792, is one of the world's leading international law firms, with offices in New York, London, Charlotte, and Washington.

Cadwalader serves a diverse client base, including many of the world's top financial institutions, undertaking business in more than 50 countries in six continents.

The firm offers legal expertise in securitization, structured finance, mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, real estate, environmental, insolvency, litigation, health care, banking, project finance, insurance and reinsurance, tax, and private client matters.

More information about Cadwalader can be found at


Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

Paula Zirinsky +1 212-504-5696 [email protected]


Weber Shandwick

Jocelyn Austin, +1 212-445-8363 [email protected]



SOURCE: Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP


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