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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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COPERNIC : Copernic Desktop ?lu " Produit de l'ann?e " 2005 par PC World

Hugin | 01/06/2005 | 14:00

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Business Editors/High-Tech Editors

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 1er juin 2005--Copernic Desktop Search (CDS) XP a reçu les honneurs de PC World qui l’a nommé « Produit de l’Année 2005 » dans la catégorie outils de recherche sur ordinateur. Les vainqueurs de ce prix sont présentés dans le numéro de juillet 2005 de PC World (actuellement en ligne et dans les kiosques à partir du 14 juin). Salué par la presse depuis son lancement, CDS a obtenu diverses distinctions prestigieuses, parmi lesquelles le prix « Choix de la rédaction » de CENT, de LAPTOP Magazine et de Pandia Search Central. Cet outil a également été sacré meilleur produit dans des études comparatives établies par The Boston Globe, Legal IT, Slate Magazine, le UW (University of Wisconsin) E-Business Consortium, l’American Library Association (Association des bibliothécaires américains), et bien d’autres.

(BW)(MA-COPERNIC) Copernic Desktop Search Wins 2005 World Class Award from PC World

Business Editors/High-Tech Editors

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 1, 2005--Copernic Desktop Search (CDS) was honored by PC World with a 2005 World Class Award for Desktop Search Software. The World Class Award winners were announced in the July 2005 issue of PC World (online now and available on newsstands June 14). ritically-acclaimed since its introduction, CDS has collected prestigious awards such as Editors' Choice from CNET, LAPTOP Magazine, and Pandia Search Central, and has been selected as first choice in comparison reviews by The Boston Globe, Legal IT, Slate Magazine, the University of Wisconsin E-Business Consortium, the American Library Association, and many others

Celebrating its 23rd year, the respected World Class Awards honor products that meld practical features with innovation and reflect the rapidly changing technology marketplace. To select the winners, PC World's editors examined hundreds of products, including those that have appeared in the magazine over the past 12 months. The winning products were selected for their exemplary design and usability, features, performance, innovation, and price

"The ultimate buyers guide, World Class Awards set the standard for excellence in the high-tech and consumer electronics industries," stated Harry McCracken, editor in chief of PC World.

"From desktop publishers to travel routers to satellite radio and video instant messenger services, the editors reward the finest products and most outstanding performers in this annual award program. Congratulations to Copernic Desktop Search."

About Copernic Desktop Search

CDS brings the power of a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use search engine right to the user's PC and allows for instant searching of files, e-mails, and e-mail attachments stored anywhere on a PC hard drive. Using a streamlined, intuitive user interface, CDS executes sub-second searching of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files, Acrobat PDF's, all popular music, picture and video formats, contacts, browser history, and favorites. With eight separate technology patents pending, CDS represents the state of the art in desktop search design

CDS 1.5 works with Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP and Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. It can be downloaded for free from More information about CDS is available on the product Web site.

About Copernic

Copernic develops cutting-edge search and information management solutions that enable home and business PC users to maximize their information assets and become more efficient and proactive in their daily lives. The company is dedicated to providing its customers with cost-effective Web and desktop search technology that enables better decision-making and increased productivity. All Copernic products feature simple fast downloading, automatic installation, and the most ease-of-use in the industry. With unique and powerful product features, Copernic is the name that consumers and professionals trust to deliver the highest quality search products.

For more information, please visit

CONTACT: Lois Paul & Partners Melissa Zipin, 781-782-5726 [email protected]



SOURCE: Copernic


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