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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
2 h 11 min 
6 h 18 min
La bourse de Paris est ouverte, il est actuellement 11 : 11


Jacobs et Architects Hawaii Ltd. remportent un contrat de services d'ing?nierie attribu? par le D?partement de la Marine am?ricaine

Hugin | 01/06/2005 | 18:42

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse Economique

ST. LOUIS, Mo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 1er juin 2005--

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (NYSE:JEC) a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’une filiale en partenariat avec Architects Hawaii Ltd. a été choisie par le Département de la Marine américaine pour réaliser des travaux d’ingénierie et d’architecture sur le Centre hawaiien d’opérations de sécurité régionale (Regional Security Operations Center), dont la construction s’élèvera à 305 millions de dollars. Ce centre est intégré au Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Pacific, base navale située sur l’île d’Oahu, à Hawaii.

Jacobs and Architects Hawaii Ltd Receive Engineering Services Contract from Department of the Navy

Business Editors

ST. LOUIS, Mo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 1, 2005--Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. (NYSE:JEC) announced today that a subsidiary company, in joint venture with Architects Hawaii Ltd., has been selected by the Department of the Navy to provide primary architectural and engineering services for the new $305 million Hawaii Regional Security Operations Center.

The center is part of the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Pacific on the island of Oahu, Hawaii

Officials estimate design completion in mid-2006

The approximately 35,000-square-meter center will house a wide range of operational and personnel services, incorporating state-of-the-art environmental and security technology.

Integral to the design of the facility is long-term flexibility and scalability

In making the announcement, Jacobs Group Vice President Warren Dean stated, "We are very pleased that the Department of the Navy chose us for this important project.

We look forward to the opportunity to continue to demonstrate our expertise in military operations center design."

Jacobs, with over 35,000 employees and revenues exceeding $5.0 billion, provides technical, professional, and construction services globally

Any statements made in this release that are not based on historical fact are forward-looking statements.

Any forward-looking statements made in this release represent management's best judgement as to what may occur in the future.

However, Jacobs' actual outcome and results are not guaranteed and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions ("Future Factors"), and may differ materially from what is expressed.

For a description of Future Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking statements, see the discussion under the section "Forward-Looking Statements" included in Item 7 -- Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations contained in the Company's 2004 Annual Report on Form 10-K


Jacobs Engineering Group Inc

Rod Sharp, 626-578-6992



SOURCE: Jacobs Engineering Group Inc


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