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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Les consommateurs du monde entier " scotch?s " ? leur t?l?phone avec Glu Mobile, une nouvelle marque de jeux mobiles n?e du partenariat entre Sorrent et Macrospace

Hugin | 02/06/2005 | 10:39

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse économique / High-tech Édition 2005 de la Conférence européenne des développeurs BREW MULTIMEDIA DISPONIBLE :

SAN DIEGO -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- June 2, 2005 -- Les initiés du secteur de l’industrie sans fil ont assisté la nuit dernière à la naissance de Glu Mobile (, une nouvelle marque internationale de jeux mobiles issue de la fusion de Sorrent, le fameux développeur et éditeur américain de contenus pour mobiles, avec Macrospace, le fournisseur européen déjà primé de studios et technologies pour jeux mobiles. La nouvelle a été annoncée à l’occasion de l’édition 2005 de la Conférence des développeurs BREW, qui se tient du 1er au 3 juin à San Diego, en Californie.

(BW)(CA-GLU-MOBILE) Consumers Worldwide are Glu'd to their Phones; Sorrent and Macrospace Unite as Glu Mobile, a Fresh Brand for Mobile Entertainment

Business Editors/High-Tech Writers BREW 2005 Conference MULTIMEDIA AVAILABLE:

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 2, 2005--Last night wireless industry insiders witnessed the unveiling of Glu Mobile (, a new worldwide mobile entertainment brand representing the combination of acclaimed US developer and publisher, Sorrent, and award-winning European studio and technology provider, Macrospace. The announcement was made at the BREW 2005 Conference, taking place June 1-3 in San Diego, California. "Glu Mobile is the culmination of two world-class publishers coming together under a single global identity. The rebrand of Sorrent and Macrospace will go a long way to reaffirm the loyalty of existing partners and customers while helping to attract new ones," said Greg Ballard, president and CEO of Glu Mobile.

"The mobile entertainment market has evolved tremendously in the past few years, yet it's still early in consumer adoption and understanding, making the time right to launch a new brand. The creation and extension of a single brand that resonates with consumers supports our goal of becoming the leading developer and publisher of mobile entertainment worldwide." Glu Mobile meets consumer demand with more than 100 original and branded titles, including games, ringtones, screens and information.

Glu's games and entertainment have won more than 30 industry awards as well as honors from the industry's most well-respected reviewers. Popular Glu titles include DRIV3R, Deer Hunter and Mark Ecko's Getting Up: Mobile from Atari; titles from Cartoon Network, Adult Swim and Celador International, creator of 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?'; casual favorites Zuma and AstroPop from PopCap Games; sports games and content from FOX Sports; and original titles such as Ancient Empires, Daily Puzzle, Fatal Force and Blackjack Hustler. "Today's mobile phone is an extension of people's personalities and a direct lifeline to their world," said Jill Braff, senior vice president of worldwide marketing of Glu Mobile.

"We create entertainment that is personal, instant and fun. Glu reflects the relationship people have with their mobile phones -- they are literally glu'd to them -- and create entertainment that fits their lives." Glu is characterized by the distinctive 'g,' an immediately recognizable logo that identifies Glu entertainment on mobile phone screens, in advertising and on the Web. The 'g' character logo and Glu Mobile identity and Web site were created by SALT, a full-service branding, design and communications company based in San Francisco.

About Glu Mobile

Glu Mobile (formerly Sorrent, Inc. and Macrospace Ltd.) is a leading developer and global publisher of mobile entertainment. With more than 100 entertainment applications -- including games, ringtones, screens and information -- Glu publishes both original titles and entertainment products based on major consumer brands including Atari, Cartoon Network, FOX Sports, Nickelodeon, PopCap Games and Twentieth Century Fox.

Glu games and entertainment applications are available to more than 800 million mobile subscribers via 90 carriers worldwide, across platforms including Java, BREW and i-mode.

Glu also offers a complete end-to-end mobile gaming sourcing, management and delivery solution, ProvisionX. The company is based in San Mateo, California and has offices in London and Singapore.

Glu is funded by top tier venture capital firms including NEA, BA Venture Partners, Granite Global Ventures, Sienna Ventures and Globespan Capital Partners. Consumers can find fresh entertainment created exclusively for their mobile phones wherever they see the 'g' character logo or at

GLU MOBILE, GLU, and the 'g' character logo are trademarks of Glu Mobile.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



Alta Public Relations

Kathy de Leon, 415-503-3921 (US) email: [email protected]


Bite Communications

Stuart Campbell, +44 (0)20 8834 3409 (EMEA) email: [email protected]



SOURCE: Glu Mobile

PHOTO: 46529


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