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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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ATCC d?voile son programme d'accords de licence Licensed Derivative ; MicroBioLogics, Inc., premier fournisseur signataire de l'accord de licence

Hugin | 02/06/2005 | 18:06

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse économique / Biotechnologie / Santé / Médical

MANASSAS, Virginie -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- June 2, 2005 – ATCC® (American Type Culture Collection), le plus important centre de ressources biologiques à but non lucratif au monde, a dévoilé son nouveau programme, baptisé ATCC Licensed Derivative™, et conclu avec la société MicroBioLogics, basée dans le Minnesota, le premier accord de licence signé dans le cadre de ce programme. ATCC a mis ce programme en place afin de garantir aux consommateurs que les produits porteurs de son emblème satisfaisaient aux critères de qualité et de sécurité requis par l’ATCC et reconnus à travers le monde entier.

ATCC Unveils Licensed Derivative Program; MicroBioLogics, Inc. is First Supplier to Sign License Agreement

Business Editors/Biotech Writers/Health Editors/Medical Editors

MANASSAS, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 2, 2005--ATCC(R) (American Type Culture Collection), the world's largest nonprofit biological resource center, unveiled its new ATCC Licensed Derivative(TM) program and signed the first license agreement under the program with Minnesota-based MicroBioLogics, Inc. ATCC established the program to assure consumers that products carrying the emblem meet ATCC's world-renowned standards for quality and safety

Biological resource centers collect, authenticate, preserve and distribute biological materials for life science research.

These knowledge centers advance science by providing access and equitable distribution of biological materials such as cell lines, microorganisms and reagents

By joining the ATCC Licensed Derivative program, companies agree to maintain the integrity of the ATCC ingredient contained in their product and allow ATCC to verify the quality of that ATCC ingredient before it reaches end-users.

In return, the ATCC Licensed Derivative emblem assures customers of the authenticity and quality of the ATCC ingredient contained in that product

"Our industry is being reformed by global awareness; materials must be appropriately developed, handled, stored, used, shipped and disposed of in order to try to preserve the highest possible standards for health, safety and the environment," explained Robert C. Coborn, President and CEO, MicroBioLogics, Inc., a supplier of quality control microorganisms to clinical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food quality and environmental laboratories.

"This license agreement offers MicroBioLogics and its distribution network verification of the ATCC materials used in MicroBioLogics products."

According to Raymond H. Cypess, D.V.M., Ph.D., ATCC President and CEO, the ATCC Licensed Derivative program was created to protect the public, as well as private industry, government and academic organizations around the world that use ATCC-derived materials in their products and services

"As a public science company, we take very seriously our responsibility in ensuring the safety and quality of the materials provided by ATCC," Dr. Cypess explained.

"Industrial scientists need to know with certainty that the materials at the foundation of their discoveries are authentic.

By purchasing materials that carry the new ATCC Licensed Derivative emblem, customers can trust that the characteristics of the ATCC-derived products have been maintained and verified until they reach the end-users." "We are very pleased that MicroBioLogics has become the first supplier to enter into a license agreement with ATCC," said Dr Cypess.

"This decision demonstrates MicroBioLogics' commitment to quality control microbiology." "We are proud that MicroBioLogics is the first supplier to adopt the ATCC Licensed Derivative program," Coborn said.

"It is an honor to have achieved the many levels of assurance and compliance required to gain the approval of ATCC as a licensed product manufacturer." Since 1925, ATCC has set the standard for authenticating and distributing biological materials for life science research in the public and private sector.

ATCC's mission is to acquire, authenticate, preserve and share its biological resources and knowledge to optimize research quality and productivity

For more information or to view the emblem, visit


American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)

Todd Felts, 202-973-1330



SOURCE: American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)


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