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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Place de paris : Alternext | Marché libre | SRD | Marchés Eurolist A,B,C
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
Début de cotation Fin de cotation Place Temps écoulé Temps restant
09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
La bourse de Paris est fermé, il est actuellement 16 : 39


Le nouveau module d'abonnement en ligne d'Atypon offre aux utilisateurs un acc?s imm?diat aux contenus

Hugin | 03/06/2005 | 9:36

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse économique / High-tech

SANTA CLARA, Californie -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- June 2, 2005 -- Atypon Systems, le principal fournisseur de services et logiciels d’édition en ligne, a lancé ce jour un nouveau module d’abonnement en ligne. Ce module, conjugué aux plates-formes d’édition en ligne Literatum et Extenza, offre aux utilisateurs en ligne d’Atypon de multiples façons d’acheter des contenus sous divers modèles de licence. Fruit d’une longue expérience en matière de commerce électronique, le nouveau module d’abonnement en ligne d’Atypon propose aux éditeurs tout un éventail d’options sur la manière de vendre ou de renouveler l’accès à l’intégralité ou à des sous-ensembles de leurs contenus.

(BW)(CA-ATYPON-SYSTEMS) Atypon's New Online Subscription Module Gives Users Immediate Access to Content

Business Editors/High-Tech Editors

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 2, 2005--Atypon Systems, the leading provider of e-publishing software and services, introduced a new online subscription module today. This module added to Atypon's Literatum and Extenza e-publishing platforms allows publishers to offer their online users multiple ways of purchasing content under various licensing models. Building on extensive e-commerce experience, Atypon's new module gives publishers a range of options on how to sell or renew access to all or subsets of their content. "Online usage continues to grow rapidly and users are becoming more and more familiar with using the Internet to purchase," said Georgios Papadopoulos, CEO of Atypon.

"Our publishers will be ahead of the curve in being able to offer their users more choices in purchasing subsets of content or simply renewing their online or print subscription."

Features of the online subscription module include:

-- Designating any collection or subset of content as saleable online

-- Automatic and immediate access for verified users

-- Setting up tiered pricing for institutions and individual subscriptions

-- Offering discounts and promotions and a space to input promotional codes

-- Ability to receive payments by secure credit card in three currencies

-- Complete and detailed tracking, notification and reporting

"We are very excited about our new e-commerce capabilities.

Our readers are experienced Internet users who appreciate the ability to use the Internet for all transactions and to gain instant access to content," said Tom Mulak, Vice President of Mary Ann Liebert Publishers.

"We received our first online subscription order the very first week and the orders keep on coming!" With Literatum's flexible e-publishing software, publishers have always been able to create multiple business models and offer their content in different collections.

Now these collections and different models can be presented to users for immediate access with online purchase.

About Atypon

Since 1996, Atypon Systems, Inc. has focused on providing software and services to the information industry. Atypon offers a suite of electronic publishing software and related services for scholarly publishers and other content providers.

Atypon has two electronic publishing services, Literatum and Extenza.

Literatum is a highly sophisticated platform that powers major ebsites such as Blackwell Synergy, Annual Reviews, and CrossRef as well as those of mid-sized commercial and not-for profit publishers. Extenza provides a streamlined, low-cost e-publishing solution, which serves over 45 publishers worldwide. Other Atypon services include PDFplus, which dynamically adds links to PDFs, and LINKplus, a full service XML linking solution for publishers.

Additional Atypon technologies include custom publishing software solutions, auto-classification and knowledge discovery products, and Internet marketing tools to help publishers use their online presence to grow. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, California, and maintains an office in Oxford as well as a sales office in New York, NY.

For more information on Atypon Systems, please visit


Atypon Systems

Kristen Fisher Ratan, 408-988-1240 ext. 315 [email protected]



SOURCE: Atypon Systems


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