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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Place de paris : Alternext | Marché libre | SRD | Marchés Eurolist A,B,C
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
Début de cotation Fin de cotation Place Temps écoulé Temps restant
09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
2 h 7 min 
6 h 22 min
La bourse de Paris est ouverte, il est actuellement 11 : 07


OMV signe un accord de licence pour Petro-SIM afin d'utiliser la technologie de proc?d? de KBC

Hugin | 07/06/2005 | 18:17

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

LONDON & HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 7, 2005--KBC Process Technology Ltd. (KBC) a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’OMV a signé un accord pluriannuel de licence de Petro-SIM™, le logiciel de simulation de procédés de raffinerie de KBC pour développer des modèles de simulation de tous ses actifs de raffinement.

OMV Licenses Petro-SIM from KBC Process Technology

LONDON & HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 7, 2005--KBC Process Technology Ltd. (KBC) today announces that OMV has signed a multi-year agreement to license Petro-SIM(TM), KBC's refinery-wide process simulation software for the development of simulation models of all of its refining assets.

The agreement includes the KBC Profimatics(TM) distillation, catalytic cracking, reforming, visbreaking, alkylation, hydrotreating, hydrocracking, and delayed coking models, as well as KBC's proprietary furnace model and product blending technology

Petro-SIM allows OMV's process engineers to model all of their refinery assets allowing them to optimize, analyze and evaluate complex refinery interactions.

Petro-SIM can be used to determine the impact of different feedstocks and operating targets, monitor process performance, conduct investment studies, or update a Linear Program (LP) model

"We have a long-standing working relationship with OMV, and we are delighted that their selection of Petro-SIM highlights the continuing development of our ongoing partnership," says John Young, Vice President Sales & Marketing, KBC.

"We look forward to continue working closely with OMV to help them maximize the value they receive from our modeling technology, extensive consulting and profit improvement services."

About OMV:

With Group sales of EUR 9.88 billion and a workforce of 6,475 employees in 2004, as well as market capitalization of approx.

EUR 8 billion, OMV Aktiengesellschaft is Austria's largest listed industrial company.

As the leading oil and gas group in Central Europe, OMV is active in Refining and Marketing (R&M) in 13 countries and has set the goal to increase its market share to 20% by 2008.

In Exploration and Production (E&P) OMV is active in 18 countries on five continents.

In the Gas business segment OMV has storage facilities and a 2,000 km long pipeline system, transporting 43 bcm of natural gas annually to countries such as Germany and Italy.

OMV owns integrated chemical and petrochemical plants, and has a 25% stake in Borealis A/S, one of the world's leading producers of polyolefin.

Other important holdings are: 51% of Petrom SA, 50% of EconGas GmbH, 45% of the BAYERNOIL refining network and 10% of the Hungarian company MOL

With the acquisition of a majority stake in Petrom, Romania's biggest oil and gas company in 2004, OMV has become the largest oil and gas group in Central Europe, with oil and gas reserves of over 1.4 billion boe, daily production of around 345,000 boe and an annual refining capacity of 26.4 million metric tons.

OMV now has over 2,375 gas stations in 13 countries.

The market share of the group in the R&M business segment in the Danube Region is now approximately 18%.

Petrom has a workforce of 51,005 and has been consolidated in the 2004 balance sheet and in 2005 it should already contribute positive to OMV's financial results

About KBC:

KBC Process Technology Ltd. is the leading independent process engineering group delivering improved profitability through consulting services and practical solutions to owners and operators of oil refineries and other clients in the process industries worldwide.

KBC analyses plant operations and management systems, recommends changes that deliver material and measurable improvements in profitability and provides implementation services to assist clients in realizing measurable financial improvements.

KBC also forecasts crude and petroleum products prices, and offers economic and pricing studies focused on the future outlook for the oil industry.

KBC works with clients both to implement recommendations and monitor the resulting profit improvements on a continuing basis.

In carrying out this work, our consultants make extensive use of the process simulation software tools developed by KBC.

KBC's Profimatics refinery reactor models are used worldwide.

Formed in 1979, KBC has principal offices in the UK, USA, Singapore, Japan, Russia, and the Netherlands.

For more information, visit

Petro-SIM is a trademark of KBC Process Technology Ltd

Profimatics is a registered trademark of KBC Process Technology Ltd


KBC Advanced Technologies plc

Business Relations: John Young, +44 1932 242424

[email protected]

or Corporate Communications: Tamra Daniels, +1 281-293-8200

[email protected]


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