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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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JVC devient le partenaire officiel de l'UEFA pour le programme EUROTOP

Hugin | 08/06/2005 | 10:25

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Business Editors/News Editors/Sports Editors

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 7, 2005--Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) a annoncé aujourd’hui la signature d’un accord avec l’UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) selon les termes duquel la société devient le partenaire officiel de toutes les grandes compétitions organisées par l’UEFA, y compris le prestigieux Championnat d’Europe des nations (TM) 2008 qui se déroulera en Autriche et en Suisse (UEFA EURO 2008(TM)).

( BW)(JVC/UEFA) JVC Becomes UEFA EUROTOP Official Partner

Business Editors/News Editors/Sports Editors

TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 7, 2005--Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) today announced that an agreement has been reached with UEFA (the Union of European Football Associations) to serve as an Official Partner to all of UEFA's premium National Team Competitions, including the flagship event, the UEFA European Football Championship(TM) 2008 in Austria and Switzerland (UEFA EURO 2008(TM)).JVC has been an Official Partner of the UEFA European Football Championship(TM) since 1980 when the event was held in Italy. UEFA EURO 2008(TM) will be the eighth consecutive championship to receive JVC support. In addition to UEFA EURO 2008(TM), JVC will also sponsor the UEFA Under-21 Championship in 2006 and 2008, the UEFA Women's European Championship in 2009, and the UEFA Futsal Championship in 2007 and 2009, all as part of the UEFA EUROTOP Programme

As a UEFA EUROTOP Official Partner, JVC's high-definition audiovisual consumer (AV) products, made possible by its latest digital & audio network technologies, and including LCD televisions, camcorders, DVD recorders, audio systems, as well as its professional products such as D-ILA projectors and CCTVs, will be promoted as the official products of all the Competitions with the relevant official event marks

In addition to using these rights to help make these events a success, JVC will use its official AV products to enable spectators at home around the world to enjoy the passion and intensity of all the matches, at high quality picture resolutions and high quality audio reproduction. Further, JVC will enhance its brand image and promote its official products through the use of an integrated television broadcast sponsorship of UEFA EURO 2008(TM) across the UEFA territories

Commenting on the agreement UEFA CEO, Lars-Christer Olsson, said: "JVC are an important long-term Partner to UEFA, and have expressed their confidence in the new UEFA EUROTOP Programme by being the first Partner to renew. The inclusion of all UEFA's premium National Team Competitions in the UEFA EUROTOP Programme provides a long-term marketing platform for JVC, and importantly for UEFA ensures a provision of high-quality audio-visual equipment for all our major National Team Competitions." JVC Europe Ltd. President, Kunihiko Sato, said: "The UEFA European Football Championship is one of the most important sporting events we sponsor, and we feel extremely privileged to contribute to the success of the Championship as an Official Partner of UEFA EURO 2008(TM). We are also hoping to further improve our brand image in Europe and throughout the world by positioning JVC as a company that offers 'The Perfect Experience -- truly moving experiences and total customer satisfaction,' which is also our brand statement."


Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC)

Public Relations Office

Toshiya Ogata, +81-(0)3-3289-1458 [email protected]

Fusako Adachi, +81-(0)3-3289-1458 [email protected]


JVC Europe Ltd

Bart Somsen, +44-(0)20-8208-7538 [email protected]



SOURCE: Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC)


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