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ARINC eFlightDeck s'associe ? l'EFB de Jeppesen EFB pour fournir des solutions de premier plan ? l'industrie

Hugin | 14/06/2005 | 15:33

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse Economique / Aéronautique / Technologique

ANNAPOLIS, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 14, 2005--ARINC Incorporated
et Jeppesen, Inc. ont annoncé leur alliance qui intrègrera les meilleurs composants du sac de vol (EFB) des deux partenaires afin de proposer le système électronique le plus élaboré de l’industrie.

« l’association de la technologie du FlightDeck(TM) d’ARINC au logiciel, aux applications et aux données de l’EFB de Jeppesen permettra d’offrir un système compact de haut niveau
orienté vers le futur : une solution unique capable de répondre à tous les besoins
opérationnels d’aujourd’hui et de demain a déclaré Ed Montgomery, Vice-président
de la division Solutions aéronautiques d’ARINC.

ARINC eFlightDeck with Jeppesen EFB to Offer Major Solution for Industry

Business Editors/Aviation Writers/Technology Editors

ANNAPOLIS, Md.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 14, 2005--ARINC Incorporated and Jeppesen, Inc. have announced an alliance that will integrate "best of class" EFB components from each company to produce the industry's most advanced electronic flight bag system

"ARINC's eFlightDeck(TM) technology combined with Jeppesen's EFB software, applications and data will provide the market with a single advanced system that is future friendly--a one-stop solution capable of addressing all of their operational needs today and well into the future," stated Ed Montgomery, Vice President, ARINC Aviation Solutions

ARINC will provide the system's airborne data communications and document-viewer technology, along with EFB integration and hardware support.

Jeppesen will provide its industry-leading software, data and applications, including digital terminal charts, and content administration tools.

Jeppesen will also deliver its ground-breaking enroute moving map and airport moving map technologies, which provide unmatched situational awareness and increased safety during all phases of flight and ground operations

ARINC and Jeppesen are researching EFB customer needs and plan to announce full system details in the next few months.

Among the system's main features are an intuitive user interface, seamless support for electronic documents, and integrated VHF ACARS(R) communications.

The system is designed to be scalable and upgradable at a practical cost, and provides an open platform to host more functionality in the future

"Independently, ARINC and Jeppesen offer the world's leading EFB technologies.

Together, we combine the data strength of Jeppesen with the communications strength of ARINC," stated Greg Bowlin, Jeppesen Senior Vice President of Strategic Business Development.

"Carriers easily recognize the unique benefits of such an integrated system and are eagerly awaiting our rollout."

Benefits of EFBs include reduced weight in the cockpit and quicker response times, which translates to fuel savings and fewer delays.

EFB functionality eliminates the need for most paper documents, streamlining management and flight information

Jeppesen is recognized as the world's foremost provider of integrated aviation information solutions.

Jeppesen's portfolio includes: flight information, flight operations services, international trip planning, domestic and international fuel programs, aviation weather services, and training systems.

The Jeppesen group of companies has offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, China and Russia.

Jeppesen is a subsidiary of Boeing Commercial Aviation Services, a unit of Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

For more information, visit <>

ARINC Incorporated is the world leader in transportation communications and systems engineering.

The company develops and operates communications and information processing systems and provides systems engineering and integration solutions to five key industries: airports, aviation, defense, government, and surface transportation.

Founded to provide reliable and efficient radio communications for the airlines, ARINC is headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, and operates key regional offices in London and Singapore, with over 3,000 employees worldwide.

ARINC is ISO 9001:2000 Certified

For more information, visit the ARINC web site at <>


ARINC Incorporated, Annapolis Stephen E. Means, 410-266-4652

[email protected]



SOURCE: ARINC Incorporated


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