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Callaway Golf d?voile une nouvelle balle de golf HX Tour 56 ; cette balle extraordinaire, qui vient compl?ter la gamme pris?e et reconnue des balles HX Tour, a d?j? remport? neuf tournois ? travers le monde avant m?me son lancement commercial

Hugin | 15/06/2005 | 16:53

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse économique / Sports / Golf

CARLSBAD, Californie -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- June 15, 2005 -- Callaway Golf Company (NYSE:ELY) a annoncé ce jour le lancement très attendu de sa balle de golf HX® Tour 56, qui vient compléter la gamme de balles de golf les plus sophistiquées sur le plan technologique.

Callaway Golf Unveils Extraordinary New HX Tour 56 Golf Ball; The Complement to Successful HX Tour Golf Ball Recorded Nine Worldwide Tour Wins Prior to Introduction

Business Editors/Sports Editors/Golf Writers

CARLSBAD, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 15, 2005--Callaway Golf Company (NYSE:ELY) today announced the introduction of its much-anticipated HX(R) Tour 56 Golf Ball, the new extension of golf's most technologically advanced golf ball line.

The HX Tour 56 Golf Ball, available at retail in early July, already has been used to win nine events across the six major worldwide pro tours in 2005. It will complement the highly-successful HX Tour Golf Ball, which has 46 global tour wins to its credit in two years.

The HX Tour 56 Golf Ball has been Phil Mickelson's ball of choice ever since he joined Callaway Golf last fall, and was used in three of Mickelson's lowest career 18-hole scores, including a 59 at the PGA Grand Slam of Golf in Hawaii last November, a 60 during his win at the FBR Phoenix Open and a course-record (by two strokes) 62 at Spyglass Hill during his win at the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. Dozens of other tour professionals have also switched to the HX Tour 56 Golf Ball.

The HX Tour 56 Golf Ball has total tour performance, with a softer feel and more spin than the HX Tour Golf Ball, while delivering comparable distance. A new proprietary manufacturing process known as RIM (Reaction Injection Molding) Technology allows Callaway Golf to make the HX Tour 56 Golf Ball with an ultra-thin, exceptionally soft cover. The thin cover helps produce low spin and high speed off the driver for maximum distance. At the same time, the exceptionally soft cover makes the ball feel softer and spin more on shorter shots, the combination many players look for in a high performance golf ball.

The optimized combination of cover softness, thinness and consistency are additional benefits of the unique RIM manufacturing process. It also produces a precisely centered core for exceptional stability and consistent performance. The six noticeably deeper depressions in the aerodynamic pattern on the surface of the golf ball -- the Sub-HEX design -- contribute to its superior consistency and tour-type trajectory while also helping to reduce drag and create lift for more carry and roll.

The HX Tour 56 Golf Ball also shares the revolutionary HEX Aerodynamics of the HX Tour. HEX Aerodynamics replaces conventional dimples and virtually eliminates the ball's seam, enhancing shot-to-shot consistency. It also produces 100-percent surface area coverage, contributing to reduced drag for longer ball flight with high stability, even in the windiest conditions.

The new HX Tour 56 Golf Ball will have a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $50 per dozen.

Through an unwavering commitment to innovation, Callaway Golf creates products and services designed to make every golfer a better golfer. Callaway Golf Company manufactures and sells golf clubs and golf balls, and sells golf accessories, under the Callaway Golf(R), Top-Flite(R), Odyssey(R) and Ben Hogan(R) brands. For more information visit


Callaway Golf Company

Larry Dorman, 760-931-1771


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