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Les super-ordinateurs de Cray aliment?s par le processeur Opteron d'AMD obtiennent les meilleurs r?sultats lors des tests de performance de HPC Challenge

Hugin | 16/06/2005 | 15:56

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse Economique / Technologique

AUSTIN, Texas and SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 16, 2005--

Les produits Cray XT3 et Cray XD1 exploitent les processeurs Opteron d’AMD et la technologie HyperTransport pour se distinguer lors des tests de performance et gagner des parts de marché.

AMD (NYSE:AMD) et Cray (NASDAQ:CRAY) ont annoncé aujourd’hui que deux produits de super-ordinateur de Cray exploitant pleinement le processeur Opteron™ et la technologie dHyperTransport™ d’AMD , les systèmes Cray XT3™ et Cray XD1™, ont fourni d’excellents résultats lors des tests de performance HPC Challenge.

( BW)(CA-AMD/CRAY)(AMD)(CRAY) AMD Opteron Processor-Powered Cray Supercomputers Post Best Overall Results on HPC Challenge Benchmark Tests

Business Editors/Technology Editors

AUSTIN, Texas and SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 16, 2005-- Cray XT3, Cray XD1 Designs Exploit AMD Opteron Processors and HyperTransport Technology to Excel on Benchmarks and Win Business Two Cray supercomputer products that masterfully leverage the AMD Opteron(TM) processor and HyperTransport(TM) technology, the Cray XT3(TM) and Cray XD1(TM) systems, have posted leading overall results on the HPC Challenge benchmark tests, AMD (NYSE:AMD) and Cray (NASDAQ:CRAY) reported today.HPC Challenge results are gaining importance as customers increasingly use them to help decide which high-performance computers to buy. For example, CSCS, the Swiss National Supercomputing Center, relied heavily on HPC Challenge results when it recently selected a Cray XT3 system with 1,100 AMD Opteron processors that will be one of Europe's most powerful supercomputers

According to CSCS Director Marie-Christine Sawley, "We chose the HPC Challenge benchmark suite for our recent 'Horizon' procurement because we can measure and analyze the characteristics of a given supercomputer architecture with it. It lowers the burden on the bidders, speeds up your procurement project, and still allows you to gauge the effects of a given architecture on your key user applications by mapping their characteristic requirements onto the individual HPCC benchmark results." In comparing customer-reported HPC Challenge results for three large-scale systems of about the same size, an 1,100-processor Cray XT3 supercomputer had the best scores on seven of the 10 "condensed results" tests, compared to an SGI Altix 3700 system with 1,008 processors and an IBM Blue Gene system with 1,024 processors.

In the seven tests, the Cray XT3 typically outperformed the next-best system by a factor of two to five times, and was up to 17 times faster than the third-ranking system

Among 128-processor scalar systems, the Cray XD1 supercomputer demonstrated leading results on four tests, more than any other microprocessor-based system. The Cray XD1 system did especially well in the random ring latency and global FFT tests

In addition, a Cray X1E(TM) vector supercomputer with 248 multistreaming processors was more than 10 times faster than the nearest competitor on the important global random access test, measuring random updates of memory

Results cited are those posted as of June 15, 2005 on the HPC Challenge website:

"When systems do well across the board on the HPC Challenge benchmark tests, as Cray supercomputers do, it's clear that they were purpose-built for high-performance computing," said Steve Scott, Cray chief technology officer.

"Many HPC systems today were designed for other markets and do well on only one or two HPC Challenge tests. AMD Opteron processors and HyperTransport technology provide a powerful foundation for the direct connect, balanced system architectures of our Cray XT3 and Cray XD1 supercomputers." "Cray supercomputers based on AMD Opteron processors with Direct Connect Architecture give customers remarkable performance for their money on real-world problems," said Rich Oehler, Corporate Fellow at AMD.

"AMD64 technology is being designed into many of the world's most powerful computers, including the world's largest AMD Opteron processor-based system, 'Red Storm,' a Cray supercomputer located at Sandia National Laboratories, that when analyzed on real-world problems and applications, has no match for providing architectural balance in a high-performance system."

About the HPC Challenge Benchmark Tests

Assembled by Jack Dongarra and Piotr Luszczek of the University of Tennessee, with collaborators from the U.S. and Europe, the HPC Challenge benchmark suite tests multiple capabilities that can make a major difference in the real-world performance of HPC systems.

The test suite includes High Performance Linpack, a single test primarily of processor performance that is the basis for the semi-annual TOP500 supercomputer ranking, and substantially augments this with six additional tests.

More tests may be added over time

"Linpack is useful, but no single test can accurately reflect the overall performance of HPC systems," Dongarra said.

"The HPC Challenge benchmark test suite stresses not only the processors, but the memory system and the interconnect. It is a better indicator of how an HPC system will perform across a spectrum of real-world applications." The new set of tests, co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy and DARPA HPCS (High Productivity Computing Systems) program, was introduced at the SC2003 annual supercomputing conference in November 2003.

About AMD

AMD (NYSE:AMD) designs and produces innovative microprocessors, Flash memory devices and low-power processor solutions for the computer, communications and consumer electronics industries.

AMD is dedicated to delivering standards-based, customer-focused solutions for technology users, ranging from enterprises and governments to individual consumers.

For more information visit

About Cray

As the global leader in high performance computing (HPC), Cray provides innovative supercomputing systems that enable scientists and engineers in government, industry and academia to meet both existing and future computational challenges.

Building on years of experience in designing, developing, marketing and servicing the world's most advanced supercomputers, Cray offers a comprehensive portfolio of HPC systems that deliver unrivaled sustained performance on a wide range of applications.

Go to for more information.

Safe Harbor

This press release contains forward-looking statements.

There are certain factors that could cause Cray's execution plans to differ materially from those anticipated by the statements above.

These include the technical challenges of developing high performance computing systems, fluctuating quarterly operating results, lower margins and earnings due to significant pricing pressure and new product introduction expenses, government support and timing of supercomputer system purchases, the successful porting of application programs to Cray computer systems, reliance on third-party suppliers, Cray's ability to keep up with rapid technological change, Cray's ability to compete against larger, more established companies and innovative competitors, and general economic and market conditions

For a discussion of these and other risks, see "Factors That Could Affect Future Results" in Cray's most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the SEC

AMD, the AMD Arrow logo, AMD Opteron, and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices Inc. HyperTransport is a licensed trademark of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium.

Cray is a registered trademark, and Cray XT3, Cray, XD1 and Cray X1E are trademarks, of Cray Inc.

Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.



Global Communications, Austin Teresa Osborne, 512-602-0040 (PR) email: [email protected]


Mike Haase, 408-749-3124 (IR) or Cray Steve Conway, 651-592-7441 email: [email protected]



SOURCE: Advanced Micro Devices Inc.


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