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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Le Grand Prix SuperMoto en direct sur; les passionn?s peuvent suivre le championnat mondial 2005 FIM SuperMoto en direct sur leur ordinateur.

Hugin | 17/06/2005 | 11:00

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Business Editors/Sports Editors/Photo Editors

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 17, 2005—À partir de dimanche prochain, les passionnés pourront suivre en direct les courses du SuperMoto sur Les six derniers Grands Prix 2005 du FIM SuperMoto (Autriche, Irlande, Méditerranée, Grèce, Italie et Espagne) seront accessibles exclusivement en ligne et en direct sur le site

( BW)(CA-MEDIAZONE)(NPSN) Live SuperMoto Grand Prix on; Fans Can Watch 2005 FIM SuperMoto World Championship Live on Your PC

Business Editors/Sports Editors/Photo Editors MULTIMEDIA AVAILABLE:

REDWOOD CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 17, 2005--Starting this Sunday, SuperMoto fans can watch the action-packed races of the Grand Prix on The six remaining SuperMoto Grand Prix events (Austria, Ireland, Mediterranean, Greece, Italy, and Spain) from the 2005 FIM SuperMoto World Championship will be available live exclusively online at

The Grand Prix of Austria kicks off this weekend with live S2 and S1 streaming races starting at 13:00 AM (GMT). Fans can watch the action live from Melk and online with MediaZone's All Access Pass or pay-per-event offer

For the discounted price of USD29.99 (list USD39.99), MediaZone's All Access Pass allows fans to watch not only the FIM SuperMoto World Championship, but also the FIM Motocross World Championship. There are 17 races total and customers can watch them all year long for less than USD2 per race. Each Grand Prix can also be purchased individually for USD4.99 per event

With the launch of the Grand Prix of Austria this weekend, fans can watch SuperMoto from any part of the world live or on demand

"It's a major step for the diffusion of the FIM SuperMoto World Championship, now all fans can follow this fantastic sport in every part of the world," said Giuseppe Luongo, President of Youthstream

"I am excited about the agreement between Youthstream and MediaZone," says Wolfgang Srb, FIM's Motocross Commission President

"It is a unique chance for fans all over the world to watch the best SuperMoto riders battling for the FIM World Championship." "The FIM SuperMoto World Championship is an exciting addition to MediaZone's library of live sports coverage. Our customers are thrilled to have access to SuperMoto and Motocross," said Michelle Wu, Chief Operating Officer of MediaZone

MediaZone is able to stream the races in high-quality video, ensuring that the programs remain secure while managing international access, billing and customer care.

MediaZone offers a complete solution for securing, marketing, selling, managing and distributing digital content via the Internet

About MediaZone

MediaZone is a leading global provider of licensed video and audio content distributed securely via broadband networks to personal computers.

MediaZone offers both subscription services and pay-per-view access to live event broadcasts, and an extensive library of content in sports, film, TV entertainment, lifestyle, music, health, fitness, religious, international, how-to, and personal development video and audio media. The company is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area with offices in China and Europe.

MediaZone is a division of MIH Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Naspers (NASDAQ:NPSN).

For more information, please visit: or send email to [email protected].

About Youthstream

Youthstream is the company that manages the exclusive television, marketing and promotional worldwide rights of the FIM SuperMoto World Championship, the FIM Motocross World Championship, the FIM Motocross of Nations, the UEM Motocross European Championship, and the UEM SuperMoto European Championship.


CONTACT: MediaZone Resa Lee, 650-595-8045 [email protected]



SOURCE: MediaZone


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