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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Sonim Technologies signe un accord portant sur l'acquisition de Synergy Infotech, qui lui servira de base pour l'implantation d'un nouveau centre de R&D.

Hugin | 20/06/2005 | 14:29

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Par cette opération, Sonim renforce sa capacité de R&D.

SAN MATEO, Calif. & BANGALORE, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 20, 2005—Sonim Technologies, chef de file de solutions d’applications VoIP à haute valeur ajoutée sur des réseaux de données sans fil, a annoncé aujourd’hui la signature d’un contrat en vue de l’acquisition de Synergy Infotech Private Limited. Domiciliée à Bangalore, Synergy Infotech développe des logiciels et offre des solutions de pointe à une clientèle internationale.

(BW)(CA-SONIM-TECHNOLOGIES) Sonim Technologies Signs Agreement to Acquire Synergy Infotech as Anchor for New Development Center; Acquisition Strengthens Company's R&D Capability

SAN MATEO, Calif. & BANGALORE, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 20, 2005--Sonim Technologies, a leader in enabling wireless data networks to deliver high margin Voice Over IP (VoIP) applications, today announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire Synergy Infotech Private Limited, a Bangalore-based software development company that provides high-end solutions to global customers. The acquisition is expected to enable Sonim to quickly expand its newly opened R&D Center in Bangalore with the best and brightest engineering talent to ensure timely delivery of best-of-breed, innovative applications like Push-To-Talk to mobile operators worldwide

"For the last five years, Sonim and Synergy have been successfully working together to build mobile VoIP solutions and we have decided to strengthen this relationship by bringing the Synergy team into the Sonim family," said Bob Plaschke, President and CEO of Sonim Technologies.

"Synergy has a great repository of knowledge and experience in developing wireless VoIP products, a talent pool that is highly skilled and difficult to come by. We've seen demand for our VoIP products significantly increase over the last few months and as such we've decided we need to start significantly increasing our engineering capability." The more than 50 engineers employed by Synergy will join Sonim's R&D Center in Bangalore to build next-generation, end-to-end VoIP solutions for mobile networks.

Wireless operators and other VoIP providers around the world are driving stronger demand for new next-generation VoIP services, spurring Sonim's recruitment effort to create new positions in the India facility

"We are privileged to become part of a well established company like Sonim Technologies," said Dr. R.K. Kulkarni, CEO, Synergy Infotech.

"Sonim is well positioned to take advantage of developments in the field of mobile telephony and provide the world's best mobile VoIP solutions - we are delighted to be a part of this innovation and global evolution in next-generation networking." Since Sonim's founding in 1999, the company has become internationally acknowledged as a true pioneer of mobile technology, development and industry know-how.

Last year, the company was voted "Best-In-Show" at the 3GSM World Congress and named "Technology Pioneer" by The World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland.

Last month, the company was recognized as an "Emerging Star" at TiEcon 2005.

About Sonim Technologies, Inc.

Sonim Technologies enables today's wireless data networks to deliver high-margin voice services. This standards-based solution provides real-time communication services such as Push-to-Talk that combine the flexibility of mobile messaging with the ease-of-use of voice. The end-to-end, VoIP-based solution creates significant new revenue streams and delivers superior 'return on bandwidth' for mobile operators.

Sonim is headquartered in San Mateo, Calif., with offices in India, Italy, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

For more information, visit the company's web site at

CONTACT: Abelson Group for Sonim Technologies Paul Macchia, +1 201-357-4772 [email protected]


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