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Scope e-Knowledge Center remporte le Prix du meilleur Prestataire de services de l'ann?e, attribu? par la Data Publishing Association (Association britannique des ?diteurs de donn?es)

Hugin | 20/06/2005 | 18:44

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse Economique / High-Tech

CHENNAI, Inde--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 20 juin 2005--

La Data Publishers Association (DPA) a décerné le prestigieux Prix du meilleur Prestataire de services de l’année 2005 à la société indienne Scope e-Knowledge Center Pvt. Ltd, un chef de file mondial de la gestion des connaissances. La remise du prix s’est déroulée lors de la Conférence Annuelle 2005 de la DPA, qui s’est tenue cette année à Londres, au mois de juin.

Scope e-Knowledge Center Bags 'Service Provider Of The Year Award' By The Data Publishers Association, UK

Business Editors/High-Tech Writers

CHENNAI, India--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 20, 2005--Scope e-Knowledge Center Pvt. Ltd, a leading global knowledge services company from India, won the prestigious 'Service Provider of the Year-2005' award from the Data Publishers Association (DPA), UK.

The award was handed over at the DPA Annual Conference 2005 organised in London in June this year.

Scope e-Knowledge was nominated for outstanding database enhancement services rendered for Reed Business Information (RBI), one of the world's leading business-to-business information publishers

The DPA awards aims to recognise and promote excellence in directory and database publishing services and celebrate the best in directory companies today

Said Sivadas, CEO, Scope e-Knowledge Center Pvt Ltd, "This is a significant milestone for our company and a proud moment for all of us at Scope.

It stands testimony to our deep domain knowledge, strong management and superior delivery standards and services we offer to our clients.

Given DPA's significant membership and reputation, this award is an excellent testimonial for Scope." Consistently high accuracy across several quality parameters, timely delivery and specialized project management has been the hallmark of Scope's association with Reed Business Information (

Observes Keely Flint, Data Development Manager, RBI "Scope emerged as a clear winner for this award owing to its professional project management and outstanding offshore operational efficiencies.

Clearly, the Reed-Scope relationship shows how one can maximize the benefits of outsourcing through a partnership approach." Today, Scope executes RBI's numerous other complex projects, which require a high degree of domain knowledge and expertise in the development and enhancement of B2B taxonomies

Currently, Scope is headquartered in Chennai with a presence in New York, Orlando, Chicago, London and Brussels.

Its clientele includes Thomson Scientific, Reed Business Information, Datamonitor, London Business School, a Fortune 50 IT major, leading industry bodies, governmental and academic institutions

About Scope e-Knowledge Center Pvt Ltd. (

Established in 1987, Scope e-Knowledge Center Pvt. Ltd. is a leading global knowledge services company from India with domain expertise in creating valuable intellectual property for clients in business and commercial information, research and database services

Its focus is on the verticals of healthcare, pharma and life sciences, chemicals, engineering, Scope has defined and pioneered the Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) space with eighteen years of world-class work


Scope e-Knowledge R. Sivadas, +91-44-24314201/Extn. 204

[email protected]



SOURCE: Scope e-Knowledge Center Pvt Ltd


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