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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Petris va faire l'acquisition de la famille de produits RECALL de Baker Hughes

Hugin | 22/06/2005 | 10:36

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

HOUSTON -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- June 21, 2005 -- Petris Technology, Inc., le leader de l’industrie énergétique dans le développement de technologies de gestion et d’échange des données non liées à un fournisseur (données dites « vendeur-neutre »), annonce la conclusion d’un accord portant sur l’acquisition du logiciel de stockage et d’analyse des profils de sondage RECALL™ à Baker Atlas, une division de Baker Hughes Incorporated. Aux termes de cet accord, Petris fera l’acquisition de l’activité RECALL et assumera la responsabilité internationale du développement, des ventes, services et du développement futur du logiciel.

(BW)(TX-PETRIS-TECHNOLOGY) Petris to Acquire RECALL Product Line from Baker Hughes

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 21, 2005--Petris Technology, Inc., the energy industry leader in the development of vendor-neutral data management and exchange technologies, announces that it has signed an agreement to acquire the RECALL(TM) well log storage and analysis software from Baker Atlas, a division of Baker Hughes Incorporated.

Under the terms of the agreement, Petris will acquire the RECALL business and will assume world-wide responsibility for the development, sales, service, and future development of the software. The combination of RECALL with the Petris industry-leading data management product, PetrisWINDS(TM) Enterprise, opens new possibilities for customers for well bore data management by greatly increasing overall compatibility and reducing the complexity for interface.

Petris' Software as a Service (SaaS) approach, PetrisWINDS Now!, allows the comprehensive set of RECALL applications and data editing tools to be delivered via the internet on a rental basis.

These combinations give existing customers of RECALL the most open data management solution for well bore data management, with the largest data footprint in the marketplace, while expanding the possibilities for use of the RECALL industry-leading petrophysical applications. "Petris has a great history of developing flexible, vendor-neutral platforms that improve the ability of the customer's business to leverage the data they already have," said Jim Pritchett, Petris' President and CEO.

"RECALL already has an industry-leading approach to the management of well log data.

PetrisWINDS gives RECALL users the ability to search, view and analyze data from a broad variety of leading well log application programs, while the SaaS approach of PetrisWINDS Now! enables users to access these capabilities in a new and innovative way."

About Petris Technology, Inc.:

Founded in 1994, Petris provides practical, real-world IT-based solutions for energy clients leveraging its expertise in data management, application hosting, geospatial information systems (GIS) and professional services.

Through a unique vendor-neutral approach and expertise in service-oriented architecture, Petris designs and deploys innovative technology that integrates data from diverse data stores to enable better decision making and application transparency.

Taken together, Petris is leading the way into a new era in integration, data and application management.

About Baker Hughes:

Baker Hughes is a leading provider of drilling, formation evaluation, completion and production products and services to the worldwide oil and gas industry.

RECALL is a trademark of Baker Hughes Incorporated. PetrisWINDS is a trademark of Petris Technology, Inc.

CONTACT: Petris Technology, Inc., Houston

Amy Price, +1-713-956-2165 [email protected]



SOURCE: Petris Technology, Inc.


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