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Colonia Real Estate AG : augmentation significative des estimations pour 2005 et 2006

Hugin | 01/07/2005 | 7:14

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Presse économique / Immobilier

COLOGNE, Allemagne -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- June 30, 2005 --

Colonia Real Estate revoit ses estimations à la hausse de manière significative et prévoit pour 2006 un BPA évalué à 2,04 euros

Colonia Real Estate AG (ISIN DE0006338007) a revu à la hausse ses estimations pour les années 2005 et 2006, du fait de son entrée réussie sur le marché de l’immobilier résidentiel la semaine dernière via la conclusion d’un accord portant sur l’acquisition de 94% du capital de Grasmus Holding B.V.

Colonia Real Estate AG: Significantly Increased Estimates for 2005 and 2006

Business Editors/Real Estate Writers

COLOGNE, Germany--(BUSINESS WIRE)--June 30, 2005-- Significantly Increased Estimates - EPS in 2006 of EUR 2.04 Estimated Colonia Real Estate AG (ISIN DE0006338007) has increased its Estimates for 2005 and 2006 significantly due to the successful entry into the residential real estate market last week by signing a purchase contract to acquire 94% of Grasmus Holding B.V.

The new estimates of the IFRS group revenues and net earnings show a strong growth rate

Colonia Real Estate estimates for 2005 IFRS group revenues of EUR 10.3 mn instead of earlier projections of EUR 4.9 mn. EBIT estimates for 2005 rise from EUR 1.6 mn to 3.9 mn and IFRS group net income estimates rise from a loss of EUR 1.3 mn to a positive 1.2 mn.

The new estimates will lead to Earnings per Share of EUR 0.39 instead of a loss of 0.44 per share on a fully diluted basis

The new estimates for 2006 underline the growth path even further

IFRS group revenues are projected to rise to EUR 34.9 mn instead of 10.1 mn.

EBIT estimates are lifted to EUR 18.3 mn from EUR 4.0 mn and IFRS group net earnings estimates rise to EUR 6.9 mn from EUR 3.7 mn in earlier projections on a fully diluted basis

In 2007 and 2008 the company expects a growth rate in revenues and earnings of 30% annually.

Colonia Real Estate investment strategy to invest in highyield properties mainly in Germany will be continued with additional investments in residential and commercial real estate portfolios.

The main funding sources will be the upcoming rights issue in July / August this year.

The management will increase the company's infrastructure and personnel accordingly in the coming months

For further information:

Colonia Real Estate AG Stephan Rind Hohenstaufenring 48 - 54 50674 Koln

Tel.: +49 221/ 716071-0

email: [email protected]

edicto GmbH Axel Muhlhaus/ Sonke Knop Im Grundchen 18a 61389 Schmitten

Tel.: +49 6084/ 94859-0

email: [email protected]

Colonia Real Estate AG Hohenstaufenring 48-54 50674 Koln Deutschland ISIN: DE0006338007 WKN: 633800

Listed: Amtlicher Markt in Berlin-Bremen und Dusseldorf; Freiverkehr in Frankfurt und Stuttgart

Issuer's information/explanatory remarks concerning this ad hoc announcement:

About Colonia Real Estate

Colonia Real Estate AG is one of the leading German Real Estate Investment Companies focusing on the acquisition of undervalued or distressed Real Estate.

The opportunistic investment approach targets high yield investments mainly in Germany and East Europe

Forward Looking Statements

This news release contains forward looking statements based on current assumptions and forecasts made by Colonia Real Estate Group management.

Various know and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could lead to material differences between the actual future results, financial situation, development or performance of the company and the estimates given here.

The company assumes no liability whatsoever to update these forward-looking statements or to conform them to future events or developments


Colonia Real Estate AG

Stephan Rind, +49 221/ 716071-0

[email protected]

or edicto GmbH Axel Muhlhaus

or Sonke Knop, +49 6084/ 94859-0

[email protected]


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