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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Hewden et Intentia : deux groupes dynamiques sur le march? de la location

Hugin | 14/11/2005 | 16:54

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Hewden a choisi la solution logicielle " Enterprise Rental " d'Intentia afin d'assurer un dynamisme continu en matière de valeur et d'excellence envers ses clients

Stockholm, Suède - le 14 novembre - Intentia International AB (publ) (XSSE : INT B), un fournisseur leader en matière de solutions d'entreprises a confirmé que Hewden, la société la plus importante de location d'équipements sur le marché anglo-saxon, a signé un contrat afin d'implémenter la suite d'applications d'Intentia avec la fonctionnalité " Product Service Management " (PSM) spécialisée. Comme annoncé à la bourse de Stockholm le 11 octobre 2005, le contrat estimé à 1,9 millions d'Euros couvre dans un premier temps 1.400 utilisateurs sur 360 localités à travers le Royaume-Uni et sera éventuellement étendu à plus grande échelle. Hewden est une filiale à 100 % de la société Finning International Inc. basée à Vancouver au Canada.

Hewden and Intentia:
Powerhouses in the Rental Market

Hewden selects Intentia's Enterprise Rental Software Solution to ensure continued drive towards value and excellence for its customers

Stockholm, Sweden – November 14th - Intentia International AB (publ) (XSSE: INT B), a leading provider of enterprise solutions, confirms that Hewden, the UK's largest equipment rental company, has signed a contract to implement the Intentia Application Suite with specialist Product Service Management (PSM) functionality. As announced to the Stockholm stock exchange on October 11th, 2005, the contract, valued at E1.9M initially encompasses 1,400 users at 360 locations throughout the UK but has options to extend the solution. Hewden is a fully owned subsidiary of the Vancouver, Canada, based company Finning International Inc.

Intentia's PSM Application Suite is a proven, off the shelf, enterprise rental software solution that has been purchased to provide extensive support for all Hewden's business processes including equipment rental, sales, asset maintenance and management, logistics, purchasing, financial management and business intelligence.

Colin Hotchkiss, Hewden's Systems and Process Development Manager reports "Starting off with a full list of 68 potential bidders we whittled the list down to 9 competitive vendors made up of global ERP players and specialist rental software providers. The list was further shortened to four suppliers who were required to provide full application demonstrations and prove application fit for purpose. From this exhaustive process Intentia was chosen." Hotchkiss continues, "Intentia was chosen because it offered the best all round capability as a supplier to our market and because of the solution's breadth of functionality covering both rental and service areas".

Doug Sprout, Finning (UK) Executive Director of Support Services states: "The key reasons for selecting Intentia are that the management team have confidence in Intentia, the solution offered is proven and that Intentia focuses on our market".

Hewden is clear about the goals they want to achieve for the company and why they feel that the Intentia solution will be instrumental in enabling these to be met. Doug Sprout, comments: "It's all about our customers and Hewden is always looking to improve its customer service. We want to measure our ability to deliver against our customer expectations and the Intentia solution will enable us to do this and so take us to another level of Customer Satisfaction."

Sprout continues:"The Intentia solution will enable standardization of processes throughout the organization and bring common procedures with which to better serve our customers."

Andreas Hellstrom, Intentia's Global Industry Director for Product Service Management concludes: "The equipment rental industry is a key focus for Intentia. In competing against other major ERP vendors and rental specialists, we're delighted that such a significant company as Hewden Stuart recognizes our leadership in their sector. A contract of such size shows that our investment in creating a readily available Global Enterprise Rental Management and ERP service was the right one".

For more information, please contact:

For Intentia

Julian Archer

Global Industry Marketing

Cell Phone: + 31 653 392741

[email protected]

For Hewden

Clare Waller / Andrew Scales

Kinross & Render Ltd

Phone +44 (0) 207 592 3100

[email protected]

About Hewden

Hewden delivers total rental solutions to the customer who builds, maintains and repairs the infrastructure and is the UK's largest equipment rental company. Part of Finning International Inc, Hewden provides equipment rental and contract management services to businesses in virtually every sector of UK industry.

With over 360 service delivery centers and a dedicated team of over 3,600 equipment rental service professionals throughout the UK, Hewden is uniquely positioned to provide rapid deployment of equipment and personnel to meet customers' most demanding contract requirements. Hewden operates the largest and most comprehensive holding of equipment for hire in the UK and leads the industry in its record of investment in the latest and most practical product technology available. Please visit us at

About Intentia

Intentia is the only global enterprise solutions provider 100% dedicated to bringing software applications and consulting services to companies whose core processes involve manufacturing, distribution and maintenance—what we call the "make, move and maintain" market.

- 100% of our resources are committed to this market.

- 100% of our software is designed for this market.

- 100% of our experience is in serving this market.

Intentia was founded in 1984 and serves over 3,000 customer sites in some 40 countries around the world. Our business solutions currently comprise enterprise management, supplier relationship management, customer relationship management, supply chain management, value chain collaboration, enterprise performance management and workplace management.

Intentia is a public company traded on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (XSSE) under the symbol INT B. Visit Intentia's Web site at


The Intelligent Choice


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