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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
La bourse de Paris est fermé, il est actuellement 16 : 35


Intentia conclut un march? de gestion des locations d'entreprise de 2 millions d'euros avec le groupe GAP

Hugin | 16/01/2006 | 9:00

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Dans le cadre de sa stratégie de croissance, la société de location de solutions logicielles et d'implantations industrielles la plus indépendante sur le marché anglo-saxon choisit Intentia pour améliorer de 100% l'administration de ses processus commerciaux en ligne.

Stockholm, Suède — 16 janvier 2006 — Intentia, un fournisseur mondial de solutions industrielles des industries manufacturières, de distribution et de maintenance, annonce que le groupe GAP Limited, la société de location de solutions logicielles et d'implantations industrielles la plus indépendante sur le marché anglo-saxon, a signé un contrat d'un montant total de 2 millions d'euros pour mettre en œuvre au niveau national la solution logicielle de gestion des locations d'entreprise prônée par Intentia. Le marché a été conclu à la fin de l'année 2005. Cette réalisation permettra à la compagnie de conserver son avance par rapport à la concurrence tout en améliorant la qualité de son Service Clientèle et sa productivité.

Intentia Signs EUR 2 Million Enterprise Rental Management Deal with the GAP Group

The UK's largest independent tool and plant hirer chooses Intentia to improve back-office business processes in line with 100 percent growth strategy.

Stockholm, Sweden—January 16th, 2006—Intentia, a global enterprise solutions provider for the manufacturing, distribution and maintenance industries, announced that the GAP Group Limited, the UK's largest independent tool and plant hirer, has signed a contract with total value of EUR 2 million for the nationwide implementation of Intentia's enterprise rental management solution. The deal was signed end of 2005. This implementation will enable the company to maintain its competitive edge through improved customer service and better productivity.

The GAP Group has ambitious growth plans to increase turnover to GBP 100 million (approximately EUR 146 million) by 2009. In order to achieve this, the company chose Intentia's enterprise rental management solution to improve the efficiency of its business applications, which include administration, cash collection and asset utilization. This, in turn, will enable employees to concentrate on customer-facing activities to provide better quality of service.

The implementation of the enterprise rental management solution follows the successful deployment of Intentia's Opportunity Analyzer in 2005. The Opportunity Analyzer (OA) tool and methodology enabled the management at the GAP Group to set practical business performance targets and identify, in advance, quantified financial and non-financial gains before committing capital expenditure to new business process improvement projects. Through this tool, it is estimated that operating profitability will improve by EUR 5 million and working capital will be reduced by EUR 500,000 within two years through implementing an enterprise rental management solution.

Andrew Stewart, the financial director at the GAP Group, comments, "In our business, personal dedication to each customer is key. Our company has experienced year-on-year growth of 17 percent for the last 20 years and we are confident that implementing Intentia's enterprise rental management solution will ensure that this focus on our customers will not be compromised."

Alun Baker, the managing director of Intentia Northwest Europe, says, "This is a proven case of the benefits Opportunity Analyzer can bring to a business. The results of the OA project allow the GAP Group to clearly identify areas of its business that need improvement and set practical business performance targets. Through our enterprise rental management solution, we are delighted to be able to assist the company in reaching its 100-percent growth target within the next five years. We are so confident of the structured and realistic approach driven by the OA results and the capability of our rental solution that we have added a value-based element to the overall contract with the GAP Group."

Andreas Hellstrom, the global product service management industry director at Intentia, comments, "This contract with the GAP Group holds a high strategic significance for us in our effort to be the number one global enterprise rental software provider in the equipment rental industry. The GAP Group is a thought leader in its industry and has enjoyed continuous growth over the past twenty years. We are delighted to have been chosen as a partner to help the GAP Group realize its growth target while maintaining its competitive edge."

Implementation nationwide across 55 depots has begun and the go-live is planned for October 2006. Additionally, Intentia will provide a complete set of professional services—project management, business and technical consultancy, and support services.

For further information, please contact:

Lut Verschueren

Intentia International AB

Telephone: +32-9 236 16 36

Cell phone: +32-473 71 32 92

e-Mail: [email protected]

Claire Forbes

GAP Group

Telephone: 0141 225 4639

e-Mail: [email protected]

About the GAP Group

GAP is the UK's Largest Independent Plant and Tool Hirer. Established in 1969 the company is still proud to maintain family ownership. Douglas and Iain Anderson have continued the legacy left by their father, Gordon, who started the company under the name of Gordon Anderson Pant.

We hire everything from half-inch drills to nine tonne dumpers. We have 55 depots nationwide and are growing fast with the aim of having 70 UK depots and turnover of £100m by 2009. We deliver a service unrivalled in the hire industry and have one uncomplicated goal; customer satisfaction.

About Intentia

Intentia is the only global enterprise solutions provider 100% dedicated to bringing software applications and consulting services to companies whose core processes involve manufacturing, distribution and maintenance—what we call the "make, move and maintain" market.

- 100% of our resources are committed to this market.

- 100% of our software is designed for this market.

- 100% of our experience is in serving this market.

Intentia was founded in 1984 and serves over 3,000 customer sites in some 40 countries around the world. Our business solutions currently comprise enterprise management, supplier relationship management, customer relationship management, supply chain management, value chain collaboration, enterprise performance management and workplace management.

Intentia is a public company traded on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (XSSE) under the symbol INT B. Visit Intentia's Web site at


The Intelligent Choice


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