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      jeudi 13 mars 2025 11:07:11   |      Paris : 11:07   |       Londres : 10:07   |       New York : 05:07   |       Hong Kong : 18:07   |       Tokyo : 19:07
Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
Début de cotation Fin de cotation Place Temps écoulé Temps restant
09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
2 h 7 min 
6 h 22 min
La bourse de Paris est ouverte, il est actuellement 11 : 07


Le site de Repsol YPF est le deuxi?me meilleur site professionnel en Europe en termes de transparence

Hugin | 16/01/2006 | 11:00

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Le 26 décembre 2005

Selon le Top 150 des sites Internet des sociétés en Europe du Financial Times


. Et se place au premier rang des plus importantes sociétés d'énergie européennes et espagnoles.

Repsol YPF occupe le second rang quand il présente les meilleures informations sur son site, selon le Top 150 des Sites de société du Financial Times, d'après les résultats d'une étude européenne, réalisée en collaboration avec les consultants suédois Hallvarson&Halvarson.

For the second year running, Repsol YPF is considered the best energy company in Europe in terms of transparency on the Internet, and maintains outright leadership amongst the Spanish companies with highest stock market capitalisation.

The survey, now in its fifth year, evaluates 131 criteria (20 more than in 2004) taken from a questionnaire to over 400 analysts, investors and journalists in Europe. The number of companies studied in 2005 also increased, thus raising the level required.

With 76.75 points from a possible 100, Repsol YPF stood out especially for the full financial data presented in; the prompt updating of content; the variety of languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese) available; and most particularly for the information on analyst coverage.

The company's position in this ranking consolidates the good results obtained in other surveys this year. For example, the Companynews Group, a French communications group affiliated to l'Agefi and AFP (the French Press Agency), presented on 24 October last, at the French Financial Communications Salon, the results of their second survey on "Investor Relations Websites: The practices of listed European companies", in which the information provided by Repsol YPF on the Internet was deemed the best of any company in the IBEX 35.

Furthermore, in July, the AECA (Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration) awarded Repsol YPF a prize for being the "Spanish Company with the Best Financial Information on Internet. Transparency and Accuracy of Corporate Data."

The portal was conceived as a tool for corporate management and commerce, at the service of stakeholder groups. With over four million visits and 54 million pages viewed per month, it is one of the most visited sites of all the companies listed in the IBEX 35, thanks to its strategy of wide-range content.

Through this website, the general public may access all the company's financial, management and corporate responsibility reports, view the share price in real time, receive free alerts on official notices, press releases, etc. The main events relating to the company, such as quarterly income statements, the Annual General Shareholders Meeting, etc., may also be followed in real time.

Apart from all corporate information on company activities, also provides products and services, specialized information on the world of motoring and motor racing, the home, leisure and travel.

To improve immediacy and speed, RSS technology has recently been installed in the portal, providing users with an automatic headline service. This RSS technology makes it possible to receive the main headlines from communications released by the company in the very moment they are hung on the website without the need to log on repeatedly to check the latest news. By registering for the Alerts service, all information released by the company is sent directly to a designated cell phone and/or e-mail address. There also exists the possibility of selecting different types of alerts (press releases, corporate data and reports, or even reminders of the important events programmed).

General Ranking  
1  TNT  83,75  
2  Repsol YPF  76,75  
3  Fortum  76,5  
4  RAS  75,25  
5  Bayer  74,25  
6  Danske Bank  71  
7  ENI  70,5  
7  RWE  70,5  
9  Nordea Bank  69,25  
10  TeliaSonera  69  
11  UBS  68,25  
12  DaimlerChrysler  67,75  
12  Swisscom  67,75  
14  Allianz  66,75  
14  Siemens  66,75  

Energy Companies  
2  Repsol YPF  76,75  
3  Fortum  76,5  
7  ENI  70,5  
22  Norsk Hydro  63  
32  Statoil  60,25  
52  BP  55,75  

Spanish Companies  
2  Repsol YPF  76,75  
52  Telefonica  55,75  
95  BBVA  47,75  
99  Inditex  47,25  
120  Banco Santander  42,25  
137  Iberdrola  38,25  
141  Endesa  36  
147  Banco Popular Espanol  27,25  

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