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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Les chemins de fer hollandais ?quipent 10 000 employ?s en contact direct avec la client?le

Hugin | 09/02/2006 | 12:35

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

L'intergiciel Appear IQ Mobile améliore la qualité du service clientèle et l'efficacité opérationnelle des chemins de fer néerlandais

Utrecht, Hollande et Stockholm, Suède - 9 février 2006 – Appear Networks et Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), l'administration des chemins de fer hollandais, ont annoncé aujourd'hui le déploiement des services sans fil adaptatifs au contexte accessibles via la plateforme Appear IQ à l'intégralité du personnel mobile de NS. Il s'agit du plus grand déploiement Wi-Fi connu à ce jour en Europe qui permet des applications de première ligne.


NS has wired 50 stations throughout the Netherlands with Cisco Systems end-to-end Wi-Fi networks, and equipped its 10,000 frontline employees with Windows Mobile powered handheld devices for instant access to these networks. While working on the platform, train conductors and drivers, customer service representatives and other staff can now wirelessly access business-critical data such as traffic information, schedules, shift rosters, maintenance information and temporary speed limits. Other employees may in the future use the system for security applications, such as silent alerts and access to video surveillance feeds.

The Appear IQ platform, based on the Appear Context Engine, pushes or synchronizes personalized information over any available wireless network (Wi-Fi, GPRS) whenever the user enters or moves between authorized wireless zones, depending on the specific location, user profile and available network. The Appear Synchronization Module uses the context information to enable complex synchronization processes, taking care of file uploads and downloads, version control, release management, and dynamic synchronization workflows between devices and the back office.

NS' introduction of the Appear IQ platform has generated an efficiency gain of 25 minutes per employee, per shift, saving an estimated eight million Euros per year. "We had to select a reliable mobile software platform able to support our highly demanding requirements. The system must run 365 days per year, 24 hours per day, and support 10,000 users scattered through out the country in over 50 stations," said Wim Liet, Head Business Applications, NS Reizigers Production Services. "Only Appear Networks met our stringent requirements to deploy a distributed synchronization platform that selectively synchronizes applications according to user location, network type and job responsibilities," adds Leonard de Roos, Head Communication Devices, NS Reizigers Production Services.

"At NS, the complete roll-out was conducted in less than six months, and is anticipated to pay for itself in less than four months, which is unheard of any industry", commented Pontus Axelsson, VP Product Development, Appear Networks. "The successful collaboration between NS, Cisco Systems, Capgemini, Esperanto XL, Getronics, KPN and Appear Networks enabled this deployment that will clearly set the standard for next generation software platforms like Appear IQ to manage large numbers of mobile users over a heterogeneous set of networks," added Alex Cabrera, Country Manager, Appear Networks.

About Appear Networks: Appear Networks is a leading provider of wireless communication platforms that enable successful enterprise mobility solutions. The Appear IQ suite of products transforms standard wireless data networks into multimedia channels for the proactive delivery of personalized, real-time information, mission-critical video and VoIP communication to mobile workers. In highly demanding, mobile environments, Appear IQ makes technology accessible and intuitive, leveraging existing IT investments to maximize employee productivity and the effectiveness of customer interactions. Appear IQ is used by leaders in the transportation, telecommunication and public sector, including, among others, Stockholm Subway (SL), Paris Local Transport Authority (RATP), Connex, France Telecom and the City of Kista, Sweden. Appear Networks partners with IT industry leaders Cisco, Capgemini, Intel and Fujitsu Siemens Computers to deliver innovative, end-to-end, integrated WLAN solutions. The company is privately held and headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.

For more information, please visit us at

About Nederlandse Spoorwegen: NS is one of the world's busiest rail systems with 25,000 employees operating over one million passenger journeys every day. NS has the ambition to be one of Europe's most reliable and customer friendly suppliers of passenger rail transportation, and is currently operating over 385 full service rail stations throughout the Netherlands and running approximately 5000 train journeys every day.

For more information, please visit NS at

Press Contacts:

Appear Networks Europe

Mia Falgard, +46 8 545 91 370

[email protected]

Dutch Rail Authority

Astrid van den Berg, +31 30 235 74 74

[email protected]

Appear is a registered trademark of Appear Networks. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.


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