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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Place de paris : Alternext | Marché libre | SRD | Marchés Eurolist A,B,C
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
La bourse de Paris est fermé, il est actuellement 16 : 16


Une nouvelle nomination de la direction confirme la place de leader d'Appear Networks sur le march? des entreprises mobiles

Hugin | 11/10/2006 | 11:21

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Un expert industriel devient Directeur des ventes EMOA chez Appear Networks

Stockholm, le 11 octobre 2006 - Appear Networks, un des premiers fournisseurs de plateformes de communication sans fil, a renforcé sa position dans l'univers des entreprises mobiles en nommant Tim Carter Directeur des ventes Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique (EMOA). à Oxford (Angleterre), son lieu de travail, il est responsable de la direction des ventes EMOE et stimule la croissance rapide de l'entreprise pour entrer sur les principaux marchés européens. Il succède à Pieter Zylstra qui occupe maintenant un poste au sein du développement de l'entreprise. Pieter Zylstra sera désormais chargé d'établir des opérations et des partenariats au sein de EMOA et Asie Pacifique.


New Executive Appointment Confirms Appear Networks' Market Leadership in the Mobile Enterprise Space

Industry Expert Joins Appear Networks as Sales Director EMEA

Stockholm, October 11, 2006 - Appear Networks, a leading provider of wireless communication platforms, has strengthened its position in the mobile enterprise space with the appointment of Tim Carter as Sales Director for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Based in Oxford, England, he is responsible for managing the EMEA sales force and leading the company's rapid growth into major European markets. He succeeds Pieter Zylstra, who is moving to corporate development. Pieter Zylstra will now focus on establishing operations and partnerships in EMEA and Asia Pacific.

With 15 years of experience in the enterprise mobility software industry Tim Carter has an extensive background in the retail, utility and transport verticals. His previous role as Sales Director EMEA for XcelleNet saw his revenue contribution from direct sales and indirect channel partners help to establish the company as a world leader in mobile device management before its acquisition by Sybase and his subsequent appointment as Sales Director EMEA for Sybase iAnywhere.

Welcoming Tim Carter as a new member of the Appear team, Xavier Aubry, Chief Operating Officer EMEA at Appear Networks, emphasised the importance of the appointment. "We continue to experience increased demand for our mobile middleware platform in enterprise settings with large numbers of customer-facing employees. Tim's proven track record in the enterprise mobility software industry and his demonstrated ability to manage successful sales organizations will increase Appears' momentum in enterprise verticals where mobile solutions are critical to business processes."

Appears' recent successes in the transportation and public sector industries have resulted in large contracts and extensive deployments over the last 12 months confirming the company's proven focus on the real issues surrounding mobile application deployments. "Appear addresses the key requirements of today's IT managers - device management, data security and file synchronisation - as well as those of the mobile employees. The unique context-aware capabilities and distributed architecture have been critical to recent customer wins such as Dutch Rail and Cairo International Airport. My goal is to make Appear Networks the first choice for organisations needing a robust, scalable architecture on which to deploy wireless applications," said Tim Carter.

About Appear Networks: Appear Networks is a leading provider of wireless communication platforms that enable successful enterprise mobility solutions. The Appear IQ suite of products transforms standard wireless data networks into multimedia channels to deliver personalized, real-time information, mission-critical video and VoIP communication to mobile workers. In highly demanding, mobile environments, Appear IQ makes technology accessible and intuitive, leveraging existing IT investments to maximize employee productivity and the effectiveness of customer interactions. Appear IQ is used by leaders in the transportation, telecommunication and public sectors, including Dutch Rail (NS), Stockholm Subway (SL), Paris Local Transport Authority (RATP), Connex, France Telecom and the City of Kista, Sweden. Appear Networks partners with IT industry leaders Cisco, Capgemini, Intel and Fujitsu Siemens Computers to deliver innovative, end-to-end, integrated WLAN solutions. The privately held company is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. For more information, visit

Press Contact:

Mia Falgard (Europe), SE +46 854591370 Call , [email protected]


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