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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
La bourse de Paris est fermé, il est actuellement 16 : 47


Dada rencontrera des investisseurs institutionnels au cours du " Midcap Events London "

Hugin | 13/11/2006 | 8:40

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Dada S.p.A. –leader international des services de communication mobile, internet et divertissement – rencontrera des investisseurs au cours de la sixième édition du European Midcap Events qui se déroulera à Londres du 15 au 16 novembre 2006

Les organisateurs attendent plus de 150 directeurs de fonds européens

Milan, le 10 novembre 2006 – Un nouveau rendez-vous avec les investisseurs pour Dada, leader des services de communication mobile et divertissement côté sur le marché italien MTAX sur le segment STAR.

Dada are to meet with European institutional investors during the "Midcap Events London", which is to be held in London on November 15 and 16 in the Lindley Hall at the Horticultural Conference Centre.

Supported by Mediobanca, Dada will be represented by Lorenzo Lepri who is the Corporate Development & Investor Relations Manager as well as a member of the Dada Board of Directors.

Dada has just announced the closure of the first nine months of this year with consolidated revenues of Euro 80.1 million (an increase of 72.6% on the previous year), EBITDA of Euro 11.1 million (an increase of 18% year on year), EBIT of Euro 7.6 million (an increase of 10%) and the consolidated net results of the Group was registered at Euro 9.2 million (compared with Euro 5.4 million in the first nine months of 2005).


Dada S.p.A. ( is a well known international provider of web and mobile community & entertainment services. Dada is listed on the Italian Stock Exchange (MTAX STAR: DA.MI) and among its shareholders there are the Dada management & founders, having about 14.6%, and RCS MediaGroup, having 44,2% of the share capital.
The consumer offer of Dada - expressed through the community ( and the brands, and – is characterized by a rich range of fee-based community and entertainment products and services to communicate, entertain and educate. These services are accessible both via the PC and the mobile phone (the latter using SMS/MMS technologies and on the "Decks" - the micro-portals of the main mobile phone operators).
The Dada consumer offer is available, in addition to Italy, in the USA, Germany, Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Austria, Denmark, Holland, Sweden, Finland, China, Brazil, Australia, Mexico and Canada.
Within Dada Group there is also the subsidiary S.p.A., the Italian leader of the management of privates and companies online presence.

Chiara Ronchetti
External Relations Manager
Tel 02/54027718 - Fax 02/54027749
[email protected]

Lorenzo Lepri
Head of Corporate Development & IR
[email protected]


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