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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
2 h 7 min 
6 h 22 min
La bourse de Paris est ouverte, il est actuellement 11 : 07


Le trafic des autoroutes d'Abertis a enregistr? une croissance sup?rieure par rapport aux ann?es pr?c?dentes

Hugin | 15/02/2007 | 13:30

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Excellente évolution en 2006

- Augmentation du trafic de 5,2 % en Espagne, où se trouvent 46 % des kilomètres gérés.

- Les augmentations les plus importantes ont été enregistrées dans les réseaux d'acesa (+4,6 %), d'aucat (+7,7 %) et d'aumar (+5,8 %), lesquels gèrent les couloirs des autoroutes les plus fréquentés en Espagne.

- Les autoroutes de Sanef en France, avec 1.700 kilomètres, ont enregistré une croissance de 3,9 % au cours du quatrième trimestre de l'année. La croissance pour l'ensemble de l'année a été de 1,2 %.

- Excellente performance de l'Autopista del Oeste, en Argentine, avec une croissance de plus de 10 % en 2006.

- Traffic recorded on the Abertis toll road network, including Sanef in France and GCO in Argentina, rose by 3.4% in 2006.

Barcelona, 15 February 2007.- Traffic on the toll road network of abertis both in Spain –acesa, aumar, aucat, iberpistas, avasa, castellana and aulesa- and internationally -sanef in France and GCO in Argentina- rose to 25,669 vehicles in 2006, 3.4% more than the previous year. This volume represents an excellent performance with respect to the traffic levels recorded in recent years.

Of note was the strong performance of the abertis toll road network in Spain, which recorded a 5.2% increase in traffic over the past year. In this respect, the Mediterranean corridor of the AP-7, the toll road in Spain with the heaviest traffic, also exceeded forecasts with a 4.6% increase on the La Jonquera-Salou stretch (acesa), and a 5.8% increase on the Salou-Alicante stretch (aumar), with daily traffic exceeding 26,000 vehicles in the later case.

The AP-6, which manages the toll road leaving Madrid towards La Coruña (Villalba-Adanero), registered marked growth at 5%, with a daily traffic flow of 30,454 vehicles.

The evolution of traffic on the abertis toll road network in Spain is a positive indicator for the performance of the Spanish economy, as it records traffic arising from industrial activity, the international transportation of goods and the country's tourism activity.

Upward trend on the Sanef network

Of note at the international level was the traffic recorded on the sanef toll road network in France which, with 1,700 kilometres, represents 51% of the abertis toll road network. The trend was upward during the year with an annual increase of 1.2%, although the rise in the last quarter was 3.9%.

In Argentina, the concessionaire that manages the Autopista del Oeste (GCO) recorded the highest increase in relative terms of the abertis network, with a 10.1% rise and a daily traffic flow of more than 66,000 vehicles.

The abertis toll road network, including the concessionaires that it manages directly like acesa, aucat, aumar, iberpistas, avasa, castellana and aulesa in Spain, sanef in France and GCO in Argentina together total 3,320 kilometres under concession. In Spain, abertis directly manages 1,521 kilometres, 1,743 kilometres in France and 56 kilometres in Argentina.


 % PART  KM  dec-06  dec-05  stake  
ACESA  100%  542  37,225  35,587  4.6%  
AUCAT  100%  58  32,438  30,120  7.7%  
AUMAR  100%  468  26,078  24,648  5.8%  
IBERPISTAS  100%  70  30,454  28,993  5.0%  
AVASA  50%  294  14,176  13,542  4.7%  
CASTELLANA  100%  51  5,779  5,372  7.6%  
AULESA  79%  38  4,269  3,944  8.2%  
Abertis netSpain    1,521  26,785  25,467  5.2%  
Abertis netFrance  57%  1,743  23,340  23,068  1.2%  
GCO (Argentina)  49%  56  66,365  60,264  10.1%  
Abertis network    3.320  25,669  24,815  3.4%  

* ADT: Average Daily Traffic

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