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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Hugin | 09/05/2007 | 10:42

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

- Le Conseil d'Administration d'Abertis a approuvé la proposition de versement d'un dividende complémentaire brut de 0,25 €, prévu dans la deuxième quinzaine de juin. Les paiements des dividendes s'élèvent à plus de 304 millions d'euros.

- Le Conseil d'Administration soumettra à l'approbation de l'Assemblée l'augmentation du capital, à raison d'une nouvelle action pour 20 actions anciennes, d'un montant de 91,2 millions d'euros.

- Il est prévu que l'Assemblée approuve la nomination de nouveaux membres au Conseil d'Administration.

- The Board will present to the General Shareholders Meeting, for its approval, a stock option plan for 250 executives of the group throughout the world.

Barcelona, 7 May, 2007.- The abertis Board of Directors has agreed to hold the General Shareholders Meeting for 2006 on 13 June. The General Meeting, at which the 2006 accounts and related management reports will be submitted for approval, will be held at 12:00 in Barcelona, at the Palacio de Congresos de Cataluña.

Among issues to be discussed, the General Meeting is expected to give its approval for a proposal for the distribution of a gross final dividend of 0.25 euros per share for shares with dividend rights, which, added to the interim dividend paid in October 2006, brings the total dividend to 0.50 euros per share for 2006 earnings. Total dividend payments amount to more than €304Mn, an increase of 5% on 2005.

The company expects the final dividend to be paid in the second half of June.

The Board will also submit for approval by the General Shareholders Meeting a bonus share issue charged against reserves and consisting of one new Class A share for every 20 old Class A or B shares, for a total of €91.2Mn. The number of new shares issued would be 30.4 million, while share capital, after the bonus share issue is approved, will reach €1,915Mn.

Additional information - Details of bonus share issue:

Share capital  
   Shares  (in euros)  
Before  Class A  570,971,849  1,712,915,547  
 Class B  37,036,366  111,109,098  
 Total  608,008,215  1,824,024,645  
Share issue  Class A  30,400,410  91,201,230  
After share issue  Class A  601,372,259  1,804,116,777  
 Class B  37,036,366  111,109,098  
 Total  638,408,625  1,915,225,875  

Changes on the Board of Directors

At the request of the Appointments and Compensation Committee, the Board of Directors will ask the General Meeting to approve the appointment of new members. In this regard, the abertis Board of Directors has approved the appointment of the following to the Board: Florentino Pérez Rodríguez (ACS), Javier Echenique Landiríbar (ACS) and Marcelino Armenter Vidal ("la Caixa") as non-independent external directors, and Emilio García Gallego as an independent director. Coinciding with the appointment of these new board members, Carlos Godó Valls, a board member since June 2002, and Vasco Maria Guimaraes José de Mello, a board member since May 2003, will leave the Board of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A.

Presentation of a stock options plan

Also at the request of the Appointments and Compensation Committee, the Board has agreed to ask the General Meeting for authorisation to issue a stock option plan on abertis shares for the next three years (2007-2009). The plan calls for a vesting period of three years, plus two years to exercise them. As an example, options granted in 2007 would become exercisable starting in 2010 and until 2012, following payment of the price at which the option is set at the time it is approved by the General Meeting.

Once it is fully rolled out, this plan is expected to be available to 250 group executives throughout the world. The first tranche, -year 2007- will be available to 73 executives and involve delivery of 707,500 options, equivalent to 0.11% of the capital of Abertis Infraestructuras, S. A. shares in 2007.

Tel. +34 93 230 50 84/94
Tel. +34 91 574 81 00
[email protected]

Investor Relations
Inst. Investors & Research
Tel. +34 93 230 51 26 / 50 57
Shareholder Office
Tel. 902 30 10 15
[email protected]


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