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DASSAULT AVIATION : Dassault lance le nouveau Falcon 2000LX - autonomie de 4 000 nm, augmentation de la capacit? d'emport de carburant

Hugin | 21/05/2007 | 18:03

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Dassault lance le nouveau Falcon 2000LX

Autonomie de 4 000 nm, augmentation de la capacité d'emport de carburant

(Genève, Suisse, le 21 mai 2007) – Aujourd'hui, lors du 7ème salon annuel de l'aviation d'affaires européenne (EBACE), Dassault a annoncé le lancement du Falcon 2000LX, qui vient compléter la gamme de jets d'affaires de la famille Falcon. Développé sur la base du célèbre Falcon 2000EX, le Falcon 2000LX est capable de franchir 4 000 nm à Mach 0,80 et d'effectuer une montée directe à 41 000 pieds en 18 minutes seulement.

" L'élargissement de la gamme offre plus de capacités et d'efficacité sur de longs trajets à nos clients qui apprécieront la réduction de consommation de carburant " a déclaré John Rosanvallon, PDG de Dassault Falcon. "The Falcon 2000EX EASy was already the most fuel efficient large cabin business jet in the world. Thanks to the advanced blended winglet design from Aviation Partners, our fuel efficiency advantage over the competition will continue to grow with the Falcon 2000LX."

The Falcon 2000LX's new wing aerodynamics reduce drag as much as 5% offering corresponding range and efficiency improvements over the Falcon 2000EX. The 2000LX is expected to be certified by the end of 2007 and will replace the Falcon 2000EX starting with 2010 deliveries. For 2000EX deliveries scheduled in 2008 and 2009, customers can choose the winglets as an option.

"We've never designed a winglet before that performs so well, so high into the drag rise," said Joe Clark, Chairman and CEO of Aviation Partners.

The new 2000LX offers the same spacious, quiet interior as the 2000EX EASy but with a list of more extensive city pairs. The 2000LX will be able to connect New York to Moscow; Paris to Delhi and Hong Kong to Brisbane. The Falcon 2000LX will also come standard with the award-winning EASy flight deck which has won high marks and praise for its integrated features and intuitive displays. Over 145 EASy equipped aircraft are in operation.

Some structural and systems modifications will be necessary to accommodate the winglets. Reinforcing straps will be added to the upper and lower wing panels and the servo actuator door will be reinforced. The baseline wingspan of the 2000LX will be 6 feet 9 inches longer than the 2000EX.

The Falcon 2000LX will be powered by the same highly reliable Pratt & Whitney Canada PW308C engines as the 2000EX and 2000EX EASy. The PW308C is rated at 7,000lbs thrust (ISA + 15C) and recently passed 93,000 flight hours.

This new program is a result of a joint project with Aviation Partners. Dassault is in charge of new production aircraft while Aviation Partners is responsible for sales and marketing of the retrofits for the Falcon 2000 series scheduled to begin shortly after certification. Retrofits will be available at Dassault facilities in Le Bourget, France, and Wilmington, Delaware.

A joint development program for adding winglets to members of the Falcon 900 family is under review. Aviation Partners is also planning on offering a winglet retrofit program for the Falcon 50.


* *

Dassault Falcon is responsible for selling and supporting Falcon business jets throughout the world. It is part of Dassault Aviation, a leading aerospace company with a presence in over 70 countries across 5 continents. Dassault Aviation produces the renowned Mirage and Rafale fighter jets as well as a complete line of Falcon business jets. The company has assembly and production plants in both France and the United States and service facilities on both continents. It employs a total workforce of over 12,000. Since the rollout of the first Falcon 20 in 1963, over 2000 Falcon jets have been sold to more than 65 countries worldwide.

The family of Falcon jets currently in production includes the tri-jets—the Falcon 900DX, 900EX and the7X—as well as the twin-engine Falcon 2000DX and the new 2000LX.

-End - U.S.: Ralph Aceti +1-201-541-4585 Andrew Ponzoni +1-201-541-4588

Dassault Falcon Teterboro Airport, Box 2000 – South Hackensack, NJ 07606

FRANCE: Vadim Feldzer +33 1 47 11 44 13

Dassault Aviation 78 Quai Marcel Dassault – 92552 Saint-Cloud Cedex 300 - FRANCE


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