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Traderforce s'?tend dans la r?gion Asie-Pacifique

Hugin | 31/10/2007 | 18:39

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Communiqué de presse Traderforce

Traderforce s'étend dans la région Asie-Pacifique

Singapour, le 30 octobre 2007 - Traderforce, un des principaux fournisseurs de plateformes "on-demand" de négociation et d'information financière à destination de la communauté financière, annonce aujourd'hui l'ouverture d'une nouvelle branche à Hong Kong et de nouveaux recrutements pour la branche de Singapour afin d'améliorer les services fournis à ses clients actuels et de développer la distribution de ses produits " buy side " dans la région Asie-Pacifique.

Traderforce offre une plateforme unique à la communauté " buy side ", qui combine information globale sur le marché, services d'exécution " broker neutral ", négociation algorithmique et gestion du risque dans une seule application, le tout en un mode ASP à l'efficacité prouvée.

Traderforce first set up in Singapore in 2006, and has been steadily growing its presence in Asia since then. Traderforce serves major Asian investment management firms in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, including BNP Paribas, Standard Chartered and United Overseas Bank.

Louis-Bertrand Jeannerod, currently Head of Sales and based in the headquarters in Paris, is appointed as Asia-Pacific Regional Manager and will be in charge of all Asian development. Jeannerod will be based in Singapore and reports to Simon Haslam, COO Traderforce.

The new Traderforce's office in Hong Kong is conveniently located in The Bank of China Tower.

Traderforce is also reinforcing its technical infrastructure in Asia. After a recent upgrade of the existing Singapore data center in September, Traderforce is building two new data centers in Hong Kong and Tokyo, offering a global coverage for US, European and all Asia-Pacific markets sourced by Interactive Data Real-Time Solutions. These significant investments demonstrate Traderforce's commitment to providing Asian-Pacific clients with alternative premium services to the traditional providers.

"Traderforce's increased cross functional staffing, data content and functionality illustrates our commitment to the growing Asian market. We are committed to providing the same level of service and support as we roll out further client sites with our Asian based clients" says Simon Haslam, Chief Operating Officer at Traderforce.

Jean-Michel Blanco, CEO of Traderforce, comments: "We have now a substantial local presence and expertise in the Asian market, provided by native Asian staff with extensive experience in the market data and trading industry. We have recently recruited over 17 people with technical, functional and administrative profiles to prepare a significant business development in all Asian countries. We see steady demand in Asia-Pacific for our unique solutions mixing market data and electronic trading and believe in our ability to serve new clients throughout the region".


About Traderforce

Traderforce provides the financial community with a complete suite of on-demand solutions, including electronic trading services, market data, and risk management in a single platform.

With its unique ASP and thin client technology, Traderforce's solutions are setting new standards in the distribution of financial information and trading systems to financial market professionals.

Traderforce equips more than 220 financial institutions in Europe, Asia and North America in various financial sectors: Private Banking and Asset Management, Brokerage Institutions, Investment and Finance Banking, etc.

Traderforce is principally owned by FlexTrade Systems, the industry pioneer and leader which introduced the first broker-neutral algorithmic platform fully controllable and customisable by end-user.

By combining its superior on-demand technology with FlexTrade's advanced trading and order management systems, Traderforce is the benchmark for on-demand trading services and market data.

More information is available on

Traderforce spokesperson: Pierre Laborie, Head of Marketing - Tel: +33 (0) 1 40 07 99 25 - Email: [email protected]

Copyright Hugin


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