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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
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Service Point Solutions, S.A. : Service Point ouvre un nouveau centre en Allemagne

Hugin | 21/11/2007 | 12:19

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

-La société a ouvert un deuxième centre de services à Dresde pour renforcer l'offre de services dans le nord est de l'Allemagne, un marché en plein essor

- Cette nouvelle ouverture renforce la position de leader de Service Point dans le nord de l'Allemagne, où la société compte 9 centres propres et 3 centres de Facilities Management.

Barcelone, le 21 novembre 2007 - Service Point Solutions (SPS.MC), via sa filiale Koebcke GmbH en Allemagne, a ouvert un nouveau centre de services de reprographie numérique et de gestion documentaire à Dresde pour pouvoir faire face à la demande croissante de ce type de services de la part d'entreprises et du secteur publique dans le nord est du pays.

This new centre doubles Service Point's service offering and resources in Dresden and reinforces its leadership position in North Eastern Germany, where the company's customer base includes customers such as Air Liquide and the Dresden office of public works. Nationwide the company has nine service centres and three facilities management centres (one in the German Parliament (Berlin), one at Zïublin (Hamburg) and one at Bilfinger Berger (Düsseldorf).

Service Point is very optimistic about its organic growth prospects in the German market. Koebcke GmbH, 51%-owned by SPS which has a call option on the remaining 49%, recorded year-on-year topline growth through September of 70.9%. The new Dresden centre is the second to be opened this year following the inauguration of the Berlin centre in October in the wake of landing the Myphotobook contract. This contract win came on top the Frankfurt airport (Fraport) contract win in recent months.

According to Rafael López-Aparicio, CEO of SPS, "Service Point sees tremendous growth potential in the German market. We plan to expand the current structure and coverage capacity of our subsidiary Koebcke in order to leverage our strong regional presence in the Northeast into a position of nationwide leadership. Our business strategy is predicated on investing to win new customer contracts and open new centres such as the Dresden centre, supplemented by select acquisitions of companies with established customer bases and complementary geographical presence".

Service Point Solutions ( provides digital reprographics and document management services to the AEC (architects, engineers and construction), manufacturing, public and services sectors. It employs over 2,500 people across 6 countries (the UK, US, Spain, Germany, Holland and Norway) via a network of 116 service points worldwide and 714 facilities management and OSS (onsite services) programs. SPS is headquartered in Spain and listed on the Spanish stock exchanges.

For more information:

Service Point Solutions S.A.

Cori Pellicer

[email protected]

Tel +34 93 5082400

Fax +34 93 5082442

Copyright Hugin


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