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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
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Brembo continue ? se d?velopper en Chine et acquiert la majorit? de sa filiale chinoise NYABS

Hugin | 04/02/2008 | 18:02

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)


Stezzano, le 4 février 2008 Pour diffusion immédiate

Brembo continue à se développer en Chine et acquiert la majorité de sa filiale chinoise NYABS

D'après l'accord signé aujourd'hui, Brembo China a racheté 42,25 % du capital de NYABS à NAC pour un montant d'environ 5,9 millions de dollars.

Brembo S.p.A détiendra toujours 27,75 % du capital de NYABS. Brembo Group détiendra donc directement et indirectement 70 % du capital de NYABS.

Nanjing Yuejin Automotive Brake System Co. Ltd. (NYABS) est une co-entreprise entre Brembo S.p.A. (27,75%) et Nanjing Automobile (Group) Corp. (NAC).

Brembo China Brake Systems Co. Ltd., Beijing, (Brembo China) is a J/V Company between Brembo S.p.A., which holds the majority stake (67.74%), and SIMEST, a public-private merchant bank which promotes the internationalisation process of Italian companies.

The agreement is subject to the Nanjing Foreign Economic and Trade approval and to the Final Business Licence issue. The process is expected to be completed by the next two months.

The presence of Brembo Group in China dates back in 2001, when NYABS was set up. Brembo decided to acquire the majority of NYABS after 7 years of positive cooperation with NAC and with a view to expanding its presence in the Chinese market.

As a consequence, NYABS will become the main industrial pole of Brembo in China, intended to produce braking systems for passenger cars and commercial vehicles.

Besides, after the recent integration between NAC and SAIC - China's largest automaker -, NAC will transfer its 30% stake in NYABS to Donghua Automotive Industrial Co., Ltd., a company jointly established by SAIC and an affiliate of NAC.

The series of alliances will ensure further growth opportunities.

NYABS 2006 and expected 2007 net sales are stable at E 10 million, with an average net profit of approximately 3%.

NYABS plant (23,000 m2) is located in Nanjing and employs 270 people, mostly of whom are workers.

Brembo SpA is an acknowledged world leader and innovator in the field of automotive disc brake technology. Brembo supplies high performance braking systems to the leading manufacturers of cars, motorcycles and commercial vehicles the world over. The name of Brembo also enjoys unrivalled prestige in motor sport, with 200 world championship titles won to date in the role of OE supplier.

The company currently operates in 12 countries, with 23 production and business sites and a pool of over 4,700 associates, 9% of whom are engineers and product specialists working in R&D and technical areas.

Brembo is the owner of the Brembo, AP Racing and Marchesini brands

For further information:

Investor Relations :

Orsi Corrado Tel. +39 035 605 2884

Vavassori Roberto Tel. +39 035 605 2223

e-mail : [email protected]

Internet website:

Media Relations:

De Marchi Gianfranco Tel. +39 035 605 2576

Francesca Muratori Tel. +39 329 300 7882

e-mail : [email protected]

Copyright Hugin


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