Photo non contractuelle : Trader-workstation.com (Copyright)
La société accorde un dividende de 0,05 euro par action ordinaire (+4,2 %) et 0,08 euro par action d'épargne (2,6 %). Le paiement du dividende total, qui reflète une hausse du nombre d'actions, est en hausse de 15 %.
Un nouveau Conseil d'Administration est élu.
Giuliano Zuccoli est réélu Président.
Suite à la conclusion de l'Assemblée des Actionnaires, le nouveau Conseil d'Administration renouvelle Umberto Quadrino au poste de Directeur Général.
Milan, le 2 avril 2008 - L'Assemblée des Actionnaires de Edison S.p.A, qui s'est tenu aujourd'hui au siège Foro Buonaparte, a approuvé les comptes financiers au 31 décembre 2007 qui font état d'un bénéfice net de 449 millions d'euros (632 millions d'euros en 2006). Le bénéfice net consolidé est de 497 millions d'euros (654 millions d'euros en 2006).
The Shareholders' Meeting then approved a motion to distribute a dividend of 0.05 euros per common share, an increase of 4.2% over the 0.048 euros paid out a year ago, and 0.08 euros per savings share (+2.6%). The resulting total dividend payout, which reflects an increase in the number of shares, grew to about 268 million euros, or about 15% more than the 233 million euros distributed a year ago.
The dividend will be payable on April 17, 2008 (record date April 14, 2008).
The Shareholders' Meeting elected the following 13 Directors: Giuliano Zuccoli, Pierre Gadonneix, Marco Merler, Daniel Camus, Renato Ravanelli, Gerard Wolf, Paolo Rossetti, Marc Boudier, Ivan Strozzi, Umberto Quadrino, Gregorio Gitti, GianMaria Gros Pietro (all taken from the slate filed by Transalpina di Energia, the Company's controlling shareholder) and Mario Cocchi (taken from the slate filed by Fincamuna). The Shareholders' Meeting then elected Giuliano Zuccoli Chairman.
Gregorio Gitti, Gian Maria Gros Pietro and Mario Cocchi declared that they meet the requirement of the Uniform Finance Code to qualify as independent Directors. The curricula of the Company's Directors are available online at www.edison.it.
The Shareholders' Meeting set the term of office of the entire Board of Directors at three years (i.e., until the approval of the financial statements at December 31, 2010) and agreed to pay to the Board a Directors an overall annual compensation 650,000 euros before taxes, plus an attendance fee of 2,000 euros before taxes for each meeting of the Board of Directors or Board Committee attended by each Director.
The Shareholders' Meeting also elected Angelomaria Palma, Leonello Schinasi (both taken from the slated filed by Transalpina di Energia) and Alfredo Fossati (taken from the slate filed by Fincamuna) Statutory Auditors. Mr. Fossati was appointed Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors. Leonardo Cabrassi, Giuseppe Cagliero (both taken from the slated filed by Transalpina di Energia) and Alessandro Catapano Minotti (taken from the slated filed by Fincamuna) were elected Alternates.
In addition, the Shareholders' Meeting awarded annual fees of 60,000 euros to the Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors and 40,000 euros to each Statutory Auditor.
- The Board of Directors, meeting subsequently to the conclusion of the Shareholders' Meeting, reappointed Umberto Quadrino Chief Executive Officer
The Company hereby discloses that, as of today's date and according to information available to Edison, the only Director who holds Company shares is Gian Maria Gros Pietro, who owns 30,000 common shares.
Edison's Press Office: Tel. +39 02 62227331,
[email protected]Edison's Investor Relations: Tel. +39 02 62228415,
[email protected]www.edison.it
Public disclosure required by Consob Resolution No. 11971 of May 14, 1999, as amended.
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