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       16 février 2025 16:44:20   |      Paris : 16:44   |       Londres : 15:44   |       New York : 10:44   |       Hong Kong : 23:44   |       Tokyo : 00:44
Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
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09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
La bourse de Paris est fermé, il est actuellement 16 : 44


BOMBARDIER et Luxair signent un accord sur les composants

Hugin | 17/06/2008 | 17:14

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

MONTREAL, QUEBEC--(Marketwire - le 17 juin 2008) - LuxairGroup et Bombardier Aéronautique sont heureux d'annoncer qu'ils ont récemment signé un accord de cinq ans dans le cadre du programme de réparations et d'échange de composants Smart Services pour la flotte d'appareils Bombardier Q400 de la compagnie aérienne luxembourgeoise Luxair. Luxair est un nouveau client de Smart Services.

Cet accord couvre près de 250 composants qui se trouveront au dépôt de pièces de Bombardier à Francfort, en Allemagne. Luxair pourra intervenir rapidement et à n'importe quel moment, améliorant ainsi l'exploitation de sa flotte d'appareils Q400.

"With the conclusion of this agreement, we will be able to further improve the performance of the Luxair Q400 fleet. The effort Bombardier made to help us introduce this aircraft type, and their experience as the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), made them our first choice", says Martin Isler, Luxair Executive Vice-President Airline.

"We are delighted that Luxair has selected us as their provider of choice. We look forward to working in partnership with them to ensure that we meet and exceed their expectations. They knew what they wanted and our program was able to meet their needs," said Diane De Souza, Vice-President, Parts Logistics, Bombardier Aerospace.

"With four daily flights to Luxembourg, locating the pool in Frankfurt is very convenient as it will provide us rapid access to parts in case of an Aircraft-On-Ground (AOG). This is very reassuring as it allows us to optimize the Q400 aircraft operations. As Frankfurt offers similar connections all over Europe, other Bombardier customers will be able to take advantage of this pool in the future," adds Horst Lenhard, Luxair Vice-President Technical Services.

Bombardier Aerospace has major parts distribution centres at two of the world's busiest airport hubs - Chicago and Frankfurt. Both super-sized facilities ship components to Bombardier's worldwide service network of 57 facilities delivering aircraft maintenance and material solutions for operators around the globe. Other facilities are located in Beijing, Dubai, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Sydney and Narita.

About Bombardier

A world-leading manufacturer of innovative transportation solutions, from commercial aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment, systems and services, Bombardier Inc. is a global corporation headquartered in Canada. Its revenues for the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 2008, were $17.5 billion US, and its shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). Bombardier is listed as an index component to the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. News and information are available at

Bombardier, Smart Services and Q400 are trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.

About Luxair Luxembourg Airlines

Luxair Luxembourg Airlines is part of LuxairGroup the umbrella entity for four major activities, Luxair Luxembourg Airlines (regional Airline with 19 regular European destinations), LuxairTours (Tour Operator), LuxairServices (i.e. Passenger Assistance, Ground Handling at Luxembourg Airport & Catering) and LuxairCARGO (Cargo Handling at Luxembourg and Frankfurt Airport).

LuxairGroup is a key player and major employer in the economy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the surrounding Greater Region. The company employs more than 2,300 people working in a multicultural and dynamic environment, constantly putting their skills and know-how at the service of customers in order satisfy the high expectations of today's clientele. News and information are available at


Bombardier Aerospace
John Arnone

LuxairGroup Corporate Communication
Marc Gerges
+352 2456-4026

Copyright Hugin


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