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Bourse en ligne avec trader workstation, rubrique : Infos boursiere2 - Communiqués
Marché financier : EURONEXT (Bourse de paris)
Début de cotation Fin de cotation Place Temps écoulé Temps restant
09 : 00 17 : 30 Paris
La bourse de Paris est fermé, il est actuellement 16 : 56



Hugin | 24/09/2008 | 11:55

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)


Stezzano, le 23 septembre 2008 Pour diffusion immédiate


La société est leader dans la conception, le développement et la production de disques de frein en carbone et en céramique.

BCBS a approuvé de nouveaux investissements de plus de 10 millions d'euros afin de doubler sa capacité de production.

Brembo, leader de systèmes de frein haute performance, a signé un accord avec Daimler pour l'acquisition de 50 % du capital de Brembo Ceramic Brake Systems S.p.A. (BCBS), qui était jusqu'à maintenant une co-entreprise à 50/50.

D'après l'accord de co-entreprise et dans le cadre de plus amples négociations avec Daimler, le prix fixé est de 9 millions d'euros.

BCBS has been designing, developing and manufacturing carbon ceramic brake discs since 2004 and should close the current year with sales of about E 27 million, a net profit around break even after R&D costs equal to 10% of sales and with a net debt of about E 6 million; the Company has also approved new investments for over E10 million in order to double its production capacity by H1 2009.

"Carbon ceramic discs technology is now ready to be applied on a wider scale, after the intense development performed with Daimler. The product is part of Brembo core-business and Daimler will remain an important customer, for this as well as other products, after contributing with its know-how to the development of this very innovative material", stated Alberto Bombassei, Chairman of Brembo SpA.

For this reason, R&D investments will continue with a view to launch a new product next year, with features suitable for wider scale applications.

BCBS manufactures carbon ceramic brake discs for high performance vehicles, such as Ferrari, Mercedes-Mc Laren, Aston Martin and Corvette.

The Carbon Ceramic Material (CCM) is being used since the 90's for aerospace vehicles braking systems. Brembo equipped the first road car in 2002, after 5 years of R&D investments to develop automotive applications.

Compared with traditional cast iron discs, the CCM guarantees advantages in terms of performance in dry and wet conditions, weight, comfort, corrosion resistance and high lifetime.

Brembo S.p.A. is the world leader and acknowledged innovator of the brake disc technology for automotive vehicles. Brembo supplies high performance brake systems for the most important manufacturers of cars, commercial vehicles and motorbikes worldwide. Moreover, Brembo is also a leader in the racing sector and has won more than 200 championships. Today the company operates in 13 countries of 3 continents, with 25 production and business sites, and a pool of about 6000 employees, 9% of whom are engineers and product specialists active in the R&D.

The 2007 sales were equal to E 912 million.

Brembo is the owner of the Brembo, AP Racing, Marchesini and Sabelt brands.

For further information:

Investor Relations :

Orsi Corrado
Tel. +39 035 605 2884
Vavassori Roberto
Tel. +39 035 605 2223
e-mail : [email protected]

Internet website:

Media Relations:

De Marchi Gianfranco
Tel. +39 035 605 2576
Muratori Francesca
Tel. +39 035 605 2277
e-mail : [email protected]

Copyright Hugin


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