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BOMBARDIER INC. : Bombardier et la Deutsche Bahn signent un contrat-cadre d'un montant total plafonné à 1,5 milliard d'euros

Hugin | 06/01/2009 | 12:18

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Bombardier et la Deutsche Bahn signent un contrat-cadre d'un montant total plafonné à 1,5 milliard d'euros

Mehdorn : D'importants investissements de véhicules vont consolider les capacités de la DB afin de remporter des appels d'offres de transport régional tout en envoyant un message économique

Ces nouveaux véhicules de tête seront pour la première fois motorisés

BERLIN, ALLEMAGNE--(Marketwire - le 5 janvier 2009) - Bombardier Transport et la Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) ont signé un contrat-cadre portant sur la livraison de 800 voitures à deux niveaux pour un montant global plafonné à 1,5 milliard d'euros (2,1 milliards de dollars US). Grâce à cette nouvelle génération de voitures, la Deutsche Bahn compte concourir activement aux appels d'offres sur le marché du transport ferroviaire régional en 2009.

"We are going into regional rail transport tenders with our excellent products and convince with our quality," DB CEO Hartmut Mehdorn stated, justifying the investments. "Precisely because worldwide economic growth is being assessed so sceptically, we must have the courage to invest in the future. Efficient, high-capacity transportation systems require a state-of-the-art vehicle fleet with energy-saving trains that can be flexibly combined and driven."

Andre Navarri, President of Bombardier Transportation, explains: "The new generation of double-deck coaches is an outstanding example of our continuous product innovation here at Bombardier Transportation. It is now possible to combine double-deck coaches with multiple-unit technology. This is the largest framework agreement for vehicles that DB has ever awarded to a single supplier. We are very pleased by this trust."

The Chairman of the Management Board of DB Regio, Ulrich Homburg, underscores the importance of flexible vehicles for economical operations. "For the first time ever, we will have powered double-deck coaches in our fleet. Individual coaches, driving trailers or trailer coaches can be added as well, depending on what the trains are being used for in the respective local transportation networks. In addition, the vehicles are compatible with other generations and will thus create cost benefits in operation," says Homburg. "The added quality and comfort for customers will furthermore improve our position in future local transportation tenders and help to safeguard jobs in the DB Group."

Since the Rail Reform in 1994, the year of the German railway reform in which Deutsche Bahn AG was founded, DB has purchased over 1,600 double-deck coaches. DB Regio currently has more than 2,000 double-deck coaches in its fleet. With a 98% reliability rating in operation, the vehicles enjoy great popularity with customers and orderers. Their interior can be outfitted to include a wide variety of comfort features. Standard equipment includes power outlets at the seats, first- and second-class seating areas, ergonomic seats, customer information systems and much more.

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About Bombardier Transportation

Bombardier Transportation has its global headquarters in Berlin, Germany with a presence in over 60 countries. It has an installed base of over 100,000 vehicles worldwide. The Group offers the broadest product portfolio and is recognized as the leader in the global rail sector.

About Bombardier

A world-leading manufacturer of innovative transportation solutions, from commercial aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment, systems and services, Bombardier Inc. is a global corporation headquartered in Canada. Its revenues for the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 2008, were $17.5 billion US, and its shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). Bombardier is listed as an index component to the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. News and information are available at

BOMBARDIER is a trademark of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.

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