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Nanoxer a été sélectionnée pour participer à la Conférence CleanEquity Monaco 2010
La société NANOXER a été sélectionnée pour participer à l'édition 2010 de la Conférence CleanEquity Monaco, l'évènement phare en matière de technologies propres et vertes de prochaine génération. La Conférence se tiendra les 4 et 5 mars prochains au Sporting d'Hiver à Monaco.
Des experts triés sur le volet et appartenant aux sociétés les plus brillantes spécialisées en technologies propres d'avant-garde auront l'opportunité de rencontrer des investisseurs financiers et stratégiques spécialisés, des responsables politiques, des législateurs et des représentants des médias.
Innovator Capital, une banque d'investissement spécialisée basée à Londres organise cet évènement annuel, dont les participants sont conviés exclusivement sur invitation. CleanEquity Monaco en qualité d'organisateur régional, représente la Chambre de développement économique de Monaco.
Parmi les partenaires locaux, on comptera entre autres la participation de la Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, du Resort Monte-Carlo SBM et de la Stelios Philanthropic Foundation. Collaborators for the 2010 event include Arup, Covington and Burling LLP, the Hugin Group, Invest Securities, Royal Philips Electronics NV and the UNEP Fi.
Plenary sessions, led by sector experts, will discuss and identify key industry themes, drivers and constraints, as well as forward looking trends.
NANOXER has developed breakthrough high performance nanoporous thermal "superinsulating" materials. The new products are alumina-based and fire resistant, have a wide temperature range, and are safe and stable even at very high temperatures (500°C - 1000°C), where superior insulation achieves the highest energy savings and CO2 reductions. Considerable installation and total cost savings are obtained, as insulation thickness and weight are shrinked 3 to 5 times compared to conventional solutions. NANOXER is targeting specific applications where highly effective insulation, fire protection and value-in-use are required in the fast growing 30 US%24; billion world insulation market, namely in Industrial Processes, Shipbuilding and Building and Construction (B&C). The IP protected technology has demonstrable and sustainable competitive superiority and intrinsic cost advantages compared to new generation aerogel-based superinsulating materials. The team track record includes researchers who developed mass-used automotive ceramic materials, managers with international strategy experience and with responsibility in setting up and operating several industrial chemical production units. The technology will be ready for commercial application within 2 years taking advantage of brown-field chemical plants where the facilities can be initially located then spawning leaders in multiple, US%24;billion markets.
Antonio Sfiligoj, CEO -
[email protected]Copyright Hugin
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