Photo non contractuelle : Trader-workstation.com (Copyright)
Nous venons d'apprendre que Christopher Booker, co-fondateur du bimensuel 'Private Eye' et sceptique du changement climatique, interviendra sur la 'grande arnaque du marché du CO2 et comment y participer' lors du Master Investor 2010. Il sera le dernier d'une liste d'intervenants de premier plan dont :
Nigel Wray - investisseur de légende, propriétaire de Saracens, connu sous le sobriquet du " Warren Buffett britannique "
Evil Knievil - alias Simon Cawkwell - l'homme que le Daily Mail a baptisé 'le roi des spéculateurs' et qui a empoché 1 million de livres sterling en s'attaquant à la Northern Rock
Jim Mellon - le 60e homme le plus riche de Grande-Bretagne, qui nous expliquera où il place son argent
Mark Slater - called 'the most accomplished equity investor of his generation'
Michael Coulson - mining guru and author of the best-selling 'An Insider's Guide to The Mining Sector' on 'Mining: rational investment sector or casino?'
Tom Winnifrith - the UK's best known share tipster
Bill Adlard - Elliott Wave expert
Zak Mir - renowned as-seen-on-TV technical analyst
Up to 2,500 high net worth private investors, private client brokers and small cap fund managers will gather on April 24th in Islington, London to hear the speakers and to meet the CEOs of over 100 PLCs which have booked stands at the event, along with a limited number of financial services companies.
As of today there are just 5 stands left unbooked and 75% of tickets have been allocated. The event is sponsored by RBS Markets and Saxo Bank.
Event organiser Robert Tyson, COO of t1ps.com, stated:
"We are delighted to confirm a speaker with the profile of Christopher Booker, and with stock markets rebounding demand has been extremely strong from attendees and exhibitors alike. This remains the UK's top investment show of its type. The high calibre of speakers and sponsors highlights why this is such a well regarded event, and with almost all stands now booked a month from the show, this looks set to be our biggest and best show ever."
Tickets are on general sales for this event at £49.99 however there are a small number of tickets held back for media and other professionals so to apply for them or for further information please contact Rob Tyson, COO t1ps.com Ltd, on 020 8099 0563 (or via email to
[email protected]).
Background Notes: Master Investor is organised by t1ps.com Ltd which was founded in 2000 and now caters for around 80,000 investors across some 17 websites including t1ps.com, ShareCrazy.com and The AIM & PLUS Newsletter. t1ps.com Ltd is part of the PLUS-quoted Rivington Street Holdings group.
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