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PE International : PE INTERNATIONAL and Tata Consultancy Services partner for integrated sustainability management

Hugin | 25/05/2010 | 15:15

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

Stuttgart, May 26th 2010 -- PE INTERNATIONAL a leading sustainability solution provider, launched a partnership with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), a leading IT services, business solutions and outsourcing organization. The two companies will collaborate on the further development of PE's corporate sustainability solution SoFi and jointly implement integrated corporate sustainability management solutions for customers worldwide.

The integration of PE's SoFi solution with existing enterprise IT systems enables customers to manage the corporate sustainability performance through an automated central information platform of environmental and social data. The solution helps customers reduce their carbon footprint, and develop more sustainable business processes. Especially global, complex organizations benefit from the multiple configuration options.

Michael Betz, CEO of PE describes the partnership: "We are delighted to partner with TCS. As a pioneer in the area of information technology, TCS has a large global client base in the IT space as well as access to very well trained professionals who will be instrumental in scaling the deployment of SoFi around the globe."

The partnership will blend TCS's IT services, business solutions and outsourcing expertise with PE's 20 years of experience in helping client's understand and improve sustainability performance. "With this unique combination we can offer our clients a leading corporate sustainability management solution coupled with world class IT services" said Betz.

Lakshminarasimhan Srinivasan, Head of Eco-Sustainability Services at TCS, explains:"SoFi is the most flexible corporate sustainability solution to manage complex business requirements on the market today. We currently are deploying SoFi for our own operations and have found that SoFi significantly increases the efficiency of corporate sustainability information management within TCS."

PE has been developing and implementing sustainability software solutions for more than 20 years and is a leader in corporate and product sustainability solutions with a broad spectrum of sustainability consulting expertise. TCS brings with itself the ability to integrate information technology solutions encompassing data, process and computing and will focus on consultancy and implementation support related to the sustainability solution for global clients.

Experts from PE and TCS will answer questions regarding current corporate sustainability topics at the Amsterdam Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency in the PE INTERNATIONAL booth.

PE INTERNATIONAL is an international market leader in strategic consultancy, software solutions and extensive services in the field of sustainability. Serving market leaders around the world, PE has offices in Stuttgart, Vienna, Copenhagen, Manchester, Boston, Tokyo, Taipei, Perth, Bhilai, Wellington, Shanghai, Johannesburg, Istanbul and Kuala Lumpur. PE offers two leading software solutions, with GaBi for product sustainability and SoFi for corporate sustainability. Over 1,000 companies and institutes worldwide put their trust in PE's consultancy and software, including market and branch leaders such as Alcan, Allianz, Bayer, Daimler, Deutsche Post/DHL, Rockwool, Siemens, Toyota, ThyssenKrupp and Volkswagen.

PE website:

Media contact

Celine Furnanz
[email protected]

Hauptstraße 111-113
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

Copyright Hugin

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