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La GRI annonce ses objectifs 2015 et 2020 et lance le commentaire public G3.1 à l'occasion de la première journée de la Conférence mondiale d'Amsterdam
Amsterdam, le 26 mai 2010
La GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) a ouvert ce jour même à Amsterdam les portes de la Conférence mondiale sur la durabilité et la transparence, la plus importante réunion mondiale de leaders, de penseurs et d'acteurs dans le domaine de la création de rapports de durabilité. Lors de cette conférence, totalement bondée, environ 200 intervenants du monde des affaires, de la politique et de la société civile débattront et échangeront leurs points de vues avec les 1 200 participants sur comment assurer la transition vers une économie durable.
À l'occasion de la session plénière d'ouverture, Ernst Ligteringen, le directeur général de la GRI, a présenté deux objectifs pour la prochaine décennie.
Firstly, GRI proposes that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting should become a general practice to help markets and society take informed and responsible decisions. GRI advocates that by 2015 all large and medium-sized companies in OECD countries and fast-growing emerging economies should be required to report publicly on their ESG performance, or if they don't, explain why.
Secondly, GRI proposes that ESG reporting and financial reporting need to converge over the coming decade. GRI advocates that a standard for integrated reporting should be defined, tested and adopted by 2020. GRI is working with leading global organizations in financial markets, accounting, corporate responsibility, ESG reporting, and civil society to establish the International Integrated Reporting Committee. The committee's purpose is to promote integrated reporting, and to facilitate and coordinate collaboration between key institutions to develop an integrated reporting standard.
Conference participants were invited to debate the role GRI should play in the development of integrated reporting. The GRI Chairman's closing remarks on Friday 28 May 2010 can be expected to reflect the initial views that emerge from this debate.
On a more short-term level, conference participants were the first to be informed about the G3.1 content proposal including Human Rights, Community, and Gender related thematic revisions. These revisions will make GRI's current G3 Guidelines more relevant, transparent, and specific, without adding extra complexity to the reporting process. The G3.1 revisions are available for public comment for 90 days from 26 May until 23 August. The recommendations have been developed by three different international multi-stakeholder Working Groups with representatives from a range of organizations and a diverse number of geographies including among others Australia, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, India, Mongolia, South Africa, the UK, and the USA. Sustainability reporting practitioners and their stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the G3.1 content proposals via an online public survey at http://bit.ly/b6cwVv.
Media Contact
Global Reporting Initiative
Manager Conference Marketing and Communications
Gudrun Döhl
[email protected]t: +31 (0)20 531 00 67
About The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
The Global Reporting Initiative has pioneered the development of the world's most widely used Sustainability Reporting Framework and is committed to its continuous improvement and application worldwide. This framework sets out the principles and indicators that organizations can use to measure and report their economic, environmental, and social performance. www.globalreporting.org
About The Amsterdam Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency
From 26 to 28 May 2010, Amsterdam will play host to the world's largest gathering of leaders, thinkers and doers in the field of sustainability reporting for the third time. This years' timely theme is 'Rethink. Rebuild. Report.' The conference will explore how to reach GRI's vision that disclosure on environmental, social, and governance performance is as mainstream as financial reporting by the year 2020. Close to 200 speakers from business, finance, politics and civil society will share their views and debate in more than 50 sessions on how to achieve a transition to a sustainable economy.
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