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Atos Origin est le leader de la satisfaction client pour la deuxième année consécutive sur le marché mondial de l'infogérance informatique et télécom
Paris, 1er juin 2010 - Atos Origin, acteur international majeur dans les services informatiques, est arrivé pour la deuxième année de suite en première position du classement de la satisfaction client, dans le secteur de l'infogérance informatique et télécom. Ce palmarès a été établi suite à une étude approfondie des analystes de Black Book, qui appartient à Datamonitor. De nombreux indicateurs clés de performance ont été évalués pour réaliser cette étude, dont l'amélioration des processus et des technologies de pointe, la personnalisation, l'innovation, l'optimisation de la livraison, l'assistance et le service clientèle, ainsi que les performances globales. Atos Origin est arrivé en tête dans 11 des 18 catégories de performances pour le secteur de l'infogérance informatique et télécom. The report interviewed 629 individuals - including C officers of the Fortune 200 and Inc 500 - that work for telecom operators across the world and over 186 technology and outsourcing contracts were investigated.
"Atos Origin has earned the distinction of being the most customer-respected Telecommunications IT vendor in the world," said Doug Brown, co-author of The Black Book of Outsourcing. "Atos Origin has earned the top honors in the industry due to its ability to deploy technology solutions consistently across the full spectrum of criteria that clients seek and honor in their outsourcing vendor."
Bruno Fabre, Executive Vice President for Telecom and Media at Atos Origin explains: "The Telecom market is crucial to Atos Origin's growth and this ranking as a Top Vendor in IT Telecom Outsourcing is proof of our customers' trust in our capabilities. Atos Origin is helping operators worldwide with its technology to compete more effectively, generate larger revenues and profits and cut costs in ways that were difficult or impossible before Atos Origin services were introduced".
Atos Origin holds extensive contracts in managed services with major telecom networks operators in Europe such as France Telecom, KPN and E-Plus and has built a global and proven expertise with its end-to-end contract for the Olympic Games in which the IT services provider is responsible for all managed operations during this highly visible worldwide project. As stated in the report, telecom operators rate Atos Origin as: "Overwhelming satisfaction, exceeds expectations, highly recommended vendor".
Atos Origin has more than 20 years experience and annual revenues of E 750 million in the telecom and media industries. Through its team of local experts and continuously evolving portfolio of services, Atos Origin offers an end-to-end approach to IT services. It delivers consulting, systems integration and managed operations services that enable its customers to grow their business, reduce costs and increase efficiency and revenue.
Ask Atos Origin about the findings and content of this report at www.atosorigin.com/blackbook
About Atos Origin
Atos Origin is a leading international information technology (IT) services company, providing hi-tech transactional services, consulting, systems integration and managed operations to deliver business outcomes globally. The company's annual revenues are EUR 5.1 billion and it employs 49,000 people. Atos Origin is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic Games and has a client base of international companies across all sectors. Atos Origin is quoted on the Paris Eurolist Market and trades as Atos Origin, Atos Worldline and Atos Consulting.
About Black Book
Black Book of Outsourcing, a Datamonitor Group company, delivers the largest annual survey of outsourcing user organisations' satisfaction with service providers and consultants. Its rankings are based on tens of thousands of client testimonials and feedback, with each service provider evaluated on 20 key performance indicators.
For more information:
José de Vries
+31 6 30 27 26 11
[email protected]Copyright Hugin
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