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Communiqué de presse
Démarrage du projet européen REBORNE destiné à la régénération de défauts osseux par des cellules souches et des biomatériaux dans 5 essais cliniques multicentriques
Nantes, le 8 juin 2010 - Déposé fin 2008, le Projet européen REBORNE " Regenerating Bone defects using New biomedical Engineering approaches " (Régénération des défauts osseux au moyen de nouvelles méthodes de génie biomédical) a été accepté par la Commission européenne dans la thématique Santé du 7e programme cadre de recherche et de développement. Coordonné par l'Inserm, ce projet intégré de vaste portée a débuté en janvier 2010 et bénéficie d'une subvention de 12 millions EUR sur 5 ans.
Bone is the most frequently transplanted human tissue with about one million procedures annually in Europe. Either autologous or allogeneic bone grafts are primary used by orthopedic or maxillofacial surgeons to reconstruct large bone defects. However, these bone grafts have drawbacks such as a second surgical site with complications, limited quantity and possible immunological reactions. Human mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow or adipose tissue have a great potential for bone regeneration. Significant growth opportunities exist for synthetic biomaterials in association with mesenchymal stem cells as bone tissue engineered substitutes.
The objectives of REBORNE is to perform multi-centre clinical trials using advanced biomaterials and cells from autologous or allogeneic sources. Five clinical trials in orthopedic and maxillofacial surgery will take place in 12 clinical centers spread over 8 European countries. A large consortium of 24 participants with top world class laboratories, SMEs manufacturing biomaterials, GMP- cells producing facilities and hospitals will collaborate to reach these ambitious clinical targets.
Contacts :
Pierre LAYROLLE, Coordinator of REBORNE, Director of Research, Inserm U957, Faculty of medicine, University of Nantes; Tel : +33 (0)2 72 64 11 43 ;
[email protected]Luc SENSEBE, co-coordinator, Medical and Scientific Director, EFS Centre-Atlantique, Tel : +33 (0)2 47 36 01 98;
[email protected]Management: Nadège PENHALEUX-HALET, Project Manager, ALCIMED. Tel: +33 (0)1 44 30 10 32 ;
[email protected]REBORNE is partially funded by a grant from the Directorate-General for research of the European Commission under contract no.24187..
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