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BOMBARDIER AEROSPACE : Bombardier effectue le dernier essai en charge sur l'aile de démonstration de l'avion Cseries

Hugin | 20/07/2010 | 09:57

Photo non contractuelle : (Copyright)

FARNBOROUGH, ROYAUME-UNI--(Marketwire - 19 juillet 2010) - Bombardier Aerospace, Belfast a effectué le dernier essai en charge sur l'aile de démonstration en matériaux composites de l'avion CSeries, reproduisant avec succès l'équivalent de 150 pour cent des forces les plus intenses que l'aile devrait soutenir en service.

Le site de Belfast est chargé de la conception, de la construction et de l'intégration de l'aile complète pour les avions CSeries, dont toutes les surfaces de commande de vol et les systèmes hypersustentateurs. L'un des éléments clés est le caisson de torsion en composite, produit à l'aide de la technologie novatrice d'infusion de résine de Belfast. Dans le cadre du programme complexe de recherche et de développement, une aile de démonstration pré-production pleine grandeur, aux trois quarts de son envergure, a été assemblée et soumise à des essais rigoureux.

Loads were progressively increased on the demonstrator wing in order to simulate aerodynamic, landing gear and engine pylon forces, until ultimate loading was successfully achieved.

"We are now assessing the data from the thousands of strain gauges, and are delighted with the results we've obtained so far," said Michael Ryan, Vice President and General Manager, Bombardier Aerospace, Belfast. "The data will help us to optimize the final production design for weight and performance. This successful demonstrator test confirms that our Resin Transfer Infusion process is an excellent means by which to manufacture the large primary structural elements of the composite wing torque box for the CSeries aircraft."

Having successfully achieved ultimate loading, Bombardier engineers are continuing to carry out further tests on the demonstrator wing to assess the wing's capability of sustaining various types and levels of damage. This will also allow them to ensure that repair systems are proven before the aircraft enter into service.

"We want to take every opportunity to learn as much as we possibly can before we finalize the wing design and start production. We are focusing on and testing various areas so we can be absolutely confident in the structure and its maintainability. This is another means by which we are building confidence amongst our customers and potential customers," Mr. Ryan added.

In addition to the assembly and testing of the demonstrator wing, Bombardier Aerospace, Belfast has carried out over 4,000 individual material, structural detail and sub-component development tests to prove out the design, manufacturing and assembly technologies being employed.

Production of the CSeries aircraft wings is due to get under way early in 2011 in a new 600,000 sq ft (55,742 m2) purpose-built factory in Belfast, the first phase of which is nearing completion.

Since launching the CSeries family of aircraft at the Farnborough Air Show in July 2008, Bombardier has recorded firm orders for a total of 90 CSeries aircraft, comprising a firm order from Republic Airways for 40 CS300 aircraft, a firm order from Deutsche Lufthansa AG for 30 CS100 aircraft, and one from Lease Corporation International Group for 17 CS300 and three CS100 aircraft. The programme has also booked options for an additional 90 CSeries aircraft. The CSeries aircraft, which is optimized for the single-aisle 100- to 149-seat market, will deliver the lowest operating costs in its class, exceptional operational flexibility, widebody comfort and an unmatched environmental scorecard.

About Bombardier

A world-leading manufacturer of innovative transportation solutions, from commercial aircraft and business jets to rail transportation equipment, systems and services, Bombardier Inc. is a global corporation headquartered in Canada. Its revenues for the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 2010, were $19.4 billion, and its shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (BBD). Bombardier is listed as an index component to the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. News and information are available at

Bombardier, CS100, CS300 and CSeries are trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.

Note to Editors:

Photos of the CSeries aircraft composite demonstrator wing are available in the press releases section at:


Bombardier Aerospace, Belfast
Helen Gregory

Bombardier Aerospace, Belfast
Maria Ryan

Copyright Hugin

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