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Communiqué de Presse
La Banque IFIS participe au Midcap Event, qui aura lieu à Paris les 21 et 22 octobre prochains.
Giovanni Bossi, Directeur Général de la banque, rencontrera les investisseurs institutionnels pendant ces deux jours de réunions non-stop.
Mestre, le 18 octobre 2010 - La Banque IFIS, qui est présente dans le secteur des financements commerciaux à court terme destinés au petites et moyennes entreprises, cotée sur le segment STAR de la Bourse italienne, rencontrera les investisseurs institutionnels au cours de la cinquième édition du " South Europe & Switzerland Midcap event " qui aura lieu à Paris les 21 et 22 octobre prochains.
Banca IFIS, continuously committed to the constant development of new services for lending financial support and managing working capital allows thousands of enterprises every year to find the answer to their financial needs.
During the meetings, Giovanni Bossi, the bank's C.E.O., will have the opportunity to present and explain to investors the guidelines underlying the development plans for the bank's growth set out in the 2010-2012 three-year expansion plan:
- Internal growth, supported by investment in technology and innovation;
- Maintenance of a balanced funding structure, which today is based on funding from retail customers (RENDIMAX) and from the interbank market;
- International expansion, the business from which making up 20% of total business today.
During the meetings, the hypotheses from which the expansion plan originated will also be expounded:
- Banca IFIS, despite being the largest independent Italian operator specialising in factoring, has a market share of less than 1% of the short-term commercial financing market;
- Banca IFIS has achieved the best results on the domestic market in terms of profit/turnover;
- Banca IFIS has a unique model for obtaining funding;
- Banca IFIS mitigates the credit risk deriving from granting loans to small and medium enterprises through the use of factoring, which allows the risk to be transferred from small, medium enterprises to larger enterprises and public entities.
Banca IFIS (Bloomberg IF IM, Reuters IF MI) active since 1983 in financially supporting enterprises is, today, the only independent Italian bank specialising in the activity of financing enterprises' receivables. Listed in the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange, Banca IFIS operates in a market segment experiencing a high growth rate, especially significant given today's economic context, with a unique business model based on asset-based financing which allows easier access to credit.
In continuous expansion both in Italy and abroad, the Banca IFIS Group today has 25 branches in Italy, a branch in Paris, a subsidiary in Poland (Warsaw), representative offices in Romania (Bucharest) and Hungary (Budapest), a joint venture with the Punjab National Bank for the development of factoring in INDIA and agreements with over 200 banks worldwide. With more than 100 dedicated and in-house trained sales staff, the Banca IFIS Group has the most complete specialized sales network in Italy which guarantees the advantage of direct and personalized relationships with over 3,000 enterprises. At 31/12/2009, turnover (value of receivables managed) equalled 3.5 billion Euro, recording an annual weighted average growth rate in the last 10 years of 25.8%; net banking income stood at 80.8 million Euro; net profit amounted to 17.2 million Euro and non-performing loans / total loans equalled 1.6%.
Head of Communications
Mara Di Giorgio
+39 041 5027623
[email protected]+39 3357737417 +39 041 5027557
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