Curno, le 28 avril 2006
L'Assemblée d'actionnaires de Brembo, réunie aujourd'hui au siège social de la société a décidé de :
- L'approbation du rapport annuel 2005 et du dividende brut de € 0,21 (+16.7 %) par action ;
- La nomination d'un nouveau Directeur Général ;
- L'autorisation de vendre et d'acheter des actions propres ;
- Le plan de gratification pour la période 2006-2008 ;
- L'Assemblée extraordinaire : adoption des statuts afin de permettre le financement intragroupe.
Rapport annuel et répartition du bénéfice
L'Assemblée des actionnaires de Brembo, présidée par Alberto Bombassei, s'est réunie aujourd'hui au siège social du Groupe et a approuvé le Bilan annuel clos le 31 décembre 2005, ainsi que la distribution d'un dividende brut de 0,21 € (+16,7 %) par action en circulation.
Dividend will be paid starting from 11 May 2006, by using coupon no. 14, on 8 May.
Net consolidated revenues for 2005 amount to € 711.6 million, up 4.9% over previous year. Net profit is € 40.5 million, up 2.4%.
The Parent Company Brembo S.p.A. net profit is € 8.4 million and the Shareholders resolved the following allocation:
- to the ordinary reserve € 0.2 million;
- to the Shareholders a dividend of € 0.21, made up as follows:
a) 58.7% or € 8.2 million from net profit;
b) 41.3% or € 5.8 million from extraordinary reserve.
New Director appointed
Mr. Giovanni Cavallini, coopted by the Board of Directors on 14 November 2005 in replacement of Mr. Alberto Tazartes, was appointed Director. Mr. Cavallini fulfils the requirements to be qualified as independent.
Buy-back program
The Shareholders resolved to renew the buyback plan which allows the Board of Directors to buy and sell during the next 18 months, up to 1.8 million shares, at a price not lower than € 0.52 and not higher than € 10.00, for the following reasons:
a) Use of own shares for potential acquisitions and/or commercial agreements with strategic partners as part of the expansion strategy of the Group;
b) Stabilization of the share price in case of lack of liquidity on the stock market;
c) Carrying out a possible stock-option plan in favour of top management.
Up to now the Company does not have any own share.
Rewarding plan for the period 2006-2008
The Shareholders also approved the extension to the Chairman of the 3-year rewarding plan for 2006-2008, addressed to about 35 managers and executive Directors and based on targets of sales and free operating cash-flow growth.
Extraordinary meeting: Integration of the Articles of Associations at Paragraphs no. 4 – Company scope
In extraordinary meeting the Shareholders resolved to integrate the Articles of associations to allow inter-company financing.
The financial results for the first quarter 2006 will be examined and approved by the Board of Director on coming 15 May.
For further information:
Investor Relations
Orsi Corrado
Tel. +39 035 605 884
Fax +39 035 605 518
Roberto Vavassori
Tel. +39 035 605 223
e-mail: [email protected]
Media Relations:
Gianfranco De Marchi
Tel. +39 035 605 708
Fax +39 035 605 273
Francesca Muratori
Tel. +39 035 605 277
e-mail: [email protected]
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