Approbation de l'augmentation du capital social
Modification des Statuts afin d'autoriser l'augmentation du capital social, avec exclusion du droit de préemption des actionnaires dans la limite de 10 % du capital social existant
Élimination de la valeur nominale des actions ordinaires
Amaro (UD), 5 juin 2006
Les actionnaires d'Eurotech, réunis en Assemblée Extraordinaire, ont :
- autorisé le Conseil d'administration à augmenter le capital social via une ou plusieurs émissions d'actions divisibles dans une période d'un an à partir de la date de son approbation et pour un montant ne dépassant pas les 110 millions d'euros, toute prime d'émission comprise, ainsi qu'à définir les méthodes, les termes et les conditions pour cette augmentation au cas par cas ;
- the addition to the articles of association of the option to increase share capital without option rights in the amount of up to 10% of existing capital levels;
- the elimination of the par value of Eurotech ordinary shares.
The current authorization for the Eurotech S.p.A. board of directors is to be enacted in the near future in order to increase share capital – subject to obtaining the required authorizations and assuming that market conditions allow it – in order to offer such shares as options to shareholders by the end of this year.
The increase in the company's share capital is part of a plan to provide adequate financial support to management strategies, which calls for a constant, gradual increase in the international size and presence of the Eurotech Group. The strategy currently in place calls for a combination of internal growth, supported by the constant development of the existing product catalogue and the introduction of innovative new products (e.g. wearable PCs), and external growth, in part through strategic alliances and acquisitions in order to take advantage of any market opportunities that should present themselves.
Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A. has stated that it is willing to promote the consortium that will ensure the success of the transaction.