Les objectifs du Business Plan 2006 sont atteints.
- La société possède un total de 757 862 mètres carrés de terrains et un portefeuille stratégique en patrimoine d'environ 136 000 mètres carrés.
Madrid, le 28 juillet 2006. Parquesol, la société immobilière cotée à la bourse espagnole sur le marché continu depuis mai dernier, qui possède des bureaux locaux dans 8 Communautés Autonomes et une présence internationale en France, en Pologne et au Portugal, a enregistré un bénéfice net de 26,8 millions d'euros pour le premier semestre 2006, soit une augmentation de 8 % par rapport à la même période pour l'année passée.
The revenues of the Company amounted to 131.1 million Euros until June, which has allowed it to improve its gross operating profit, or EBITDA, by 6% to reach 49.6 million Euros. 69% of all revenues come from residential development projects, and 8% from recurrent revenues from the property management division.
These results can be explained by the favourable trend of the development business and by greater revenues, both in the sale of lands and in property management.
- Parquesol January-June 2006 Reults full report can be downloaded in the corporate website: www.parquesol.com; (investor relations, Financial information, Interim reports)
Parquesol, Spanish real estate company with 30 years' of experience and a presence on the international market, has been quoted on the continuous market since last 5th May. An expert in the residential market and in property management, the company has an annual turnover of 274 million Euros in 2005, and has provided its services to more than 15,000 clients in different European countries (Spain, Poland, France, and Portugal). More information may be found at www.parquesol.com
For more information:
Pilar Fernández, Head of Communications
Telephone: +34 91 799 49 90 Fax: +34 91 799 49 97.
e-mail: [email protected]