Parquesol : 47,8 millions d'euros de bénéfice pour les trois premiers trimestres – Le BPA atteint 1,20 euros, par rapport au 1,06 euros en 2005
Madrid, le 10 novembre 2006.- Avec un revenu de 209,3 millions d'euros (-5,0 %), Parquesol a enregistré un EBITDA de 86,6 millions d'euros (+11 %), un EBIT de 82,9 millions d'euros (+11 %) et un bénéfice net de 47,8 millions d'euros (+14 %)
Pendant le troisième trimestre 2006, les ventes de logement ont atteint 127,4 millions d'euros avec une marge de 28,5 %. Parquesol a remis un total de 523 logements et commencé sa campagne de promotion dans les villes de Séville, Madrid et Valladolid.
Rental Management
Revenues from rentals have reached 13.4 million euros. We highlight the purchase of a building in Paris and another one in Lisbon, and the agreement between Parquesol and Grupo Ballesol for the rental of a building in Valladolid.
Land and Non-strategic Assets Sales
During the period land sales amounted to 51.7 million euros. Income from the selling of non strategic assets was of 15.1 million euros. Other revenues have accounted for 1.7 million euros.
As of September 30th. 63.9 million euros have been invested in land; 52,1 million euros in assets and 8.2 million euros in residential developments with a total investment of 124.1 million euros.
For further information regarding this memo (www.parquesol.com;accionistas and investors - Financial information – periodic public information)
A Spanish property development company with 30 years of experience in the sector and an international presence, it has been listed on the continuous market since 5 May last. An expert in the residential market and asset management, it had an annual turnover of 274 million euros in 2005 and has provided a service for over 15,000 clients in various European countries (Spain, Poland, France and Portugal). For more information: www.parquesol.com
Pilar Fernández. Head of Communication
Tel: 91-799-49-90. Fax: 91-799-49-97.
E-Mail: [email protected]