COPEL : Companhia Paranaense de Energia (LATIBEX: XCOP), société spécialisée dans la génération, la transmission et la distribution d'énergie dans l'état du Paraná au Brésil, annonce ses résultats pour le troisième trimestre 2006.
- En plus des chiffres des sociétés appartenant à 100 % à COPEL (COPEL Geração, COPEL Transmissão, COPEL Distribuição, COPEL Telecomunicações et COPEL Participações), les résultats consolidés de la société incluent les chiffres de Compagas, Elejor et UEG Araucária, des sociétés dont COPEL possède la majorité du capital.
- Revenu net d'activité : 1 440,9 millions d'euros (3 977 millions de réaux) au cours des neuf premiers mois de 2006, ce qui représente une augmentation de 11 % par rapport à la même période de l'année dernière. Le revenu net d'activité du troisième trimestre atteint 497,08 millions d'euros (1 372 millions de réaux).
- Operating Income: R$1,469 million in the 9M06, versus R$ 502 million in the same period of 2005. In the third quarter, operating income was R$ 256.5 million.
- Net Income: R$ 932 million (R$ 3.41 per thousand shares) in the 9M06, versus R$ 309 million in the 9M05. In the third quarter, net income was R$ 192.1 million.
- EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization): R$ 1,432 million in the 9M06, 77% up on the R$ 811 million reported in the same period of 2005. Excluding the gas purchase reversal effect in May, 2006, EBITDA would be R$ 1,133 million. Just in t he third quarter, accounted EBITDA was R$ 395 million.
- Return on Equity: 23% p.a. Excluding the reversal effects, ROE would have been 13%.
- At the new energy auction on October 10, the consortium established between COPEL (51%) and ELETROSUL (49%) won the concession for the construction of the Mauá Hydroelectric Plant, on the Tibagi River in the state of Paraná, with an estimated installed capacity of 361 MW. On the same date, Mauá sold 192 MW (average) for delivery as of January 2011 for 30 years at R$ 112.96/MWh.
- Copel Distribuição's grid market (TUSD), comprising the captive market and all free customers within the Company's concession area, grew by 3.3% in the 9M06. Billed power consumption dipped 0.2%.
Investor Relations - COPEL
[email protected]